Chapter 14

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The plan was straight and simple. Jun and I would meet Jayla and my parents at The Arrow, a very posh , very new restaurant in town. I half expected Jun to buy out the restaurant, but they had accommodations for a VIP room where we'd have the privacy.

I wore a black dress hugging my curves in just the right way, but modest enough to wear this dress to a church fundraising event. June came down the stairs of his AirBNB and to say he looked dashing in his black suit and tie would be a complete understatement. He was more than that. More than anything I've ever seen. Neatly styled hair, shoes at a perfect shine.

"Wow, Mr. Bond. You don't disappoint." I said in my best British accent.

"Neither do you. You're beautiful," he grinned catching me an a quick kiss to not smudge my lipstick.

We jumped in his black Audi and he just looked so cool behind the steering wheel, driving with one hand. I didn't even know they had this kind of car at the Budget Rental. For a moment as he zoomed out of the neighborhood, I did feel like I was in a spy movie.

Jun and I left early to make sure we made it to the restaurant before them. The host shook Jun's hand and ushered us to the side, not even getting a glimpse of the mountain lodge themed main room, to a very decorated special room. A huge round table seating eight with white tablecloth and candles on top. The walls a mix of wood and stone. The lighting was low and soft but not so dark you couldn't see the menu.

Jun and I sat facing the door to see when they would come in. They should be here in five minutes if everything was running smoothly. Butterflies flew in my stomach and my fingers unknowingly drummed the top of the table.

"Nervous?" Jun grinned, placing his hand on top of mine.

"No," I scoffed. "Yes."

Jun turned and kissed my cheek melting away the nerves. I exhaled and everything calmed.

The server came by and asked if we wanted anything to drink while we waited for the rest of our party. Jun asked for a very specific bottle of wine and I just went with it.

My phone buzzed with a text message from Jayla. They just pulled up. Dad wasn't in a great mood.


The wine luckily came before they could come inside the room. They too were dressed like they were attending a church fundraiser.

Jun and I instinctively stood up to greet them. I moving to hug Jayla, my mom, and my dad who tried his best to not frown.

I glanced at Jayla to get some answers and she shrugged.

"Um, Daddy, Mom, Jayla; this is Jun," I introduced. He had been waiting so patiently before walking over to shake hands. His smile on full beam.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet Ariana's family," he grinned, reaching his hand out to my dad first.

He shook it with a tight lipped grin. "Yeah, you too," said Dad giving an honest grip in the shake.

"Yes! I'm so glad to finally meet you after all this time," squealed Jayla moving in for a hug. "Please, we're huggers around here."

Jun lightly chuckled giving into to Jayla's oppositely warm welcome. My mom smiled sweetly as Jun moved on to her to grab her hand in a respectfully nice handshake.

"You're so handsome," she said, clearly not even thinking.

"Thank you ma'am," Jun grinned. Both of their cheeks a little redder from the embarrassment. "Would you all like something to drink?"

Jun motioned for everyone to sit at the table, leading my mom to a chair and pulling it out for her. The smile she came in with never leaving her face. She thanked him as she sat, while Dad rolled his eyes.

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