Chapter 6

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"So are you still not dating or was that just a one off with Jun?" Asked Jayla as we sat next to each other in massage chairs, our feet soaking in bubbling water at the nail salon.

"I'm not dating Jay. And that thing with Jun was just a —"

"Fuck buddy?" she interjected with a smirk.

"I guess," I said rolling my eyes at her and myself. It felt like more, but if you had to put a labels on it.

"I mean, you've already been wading in the dating pool. Just go for a swim."

Dealing with anyone else seemed pointless. Once you've already had the highest quality of anything, everything else pales in comparison. Plus, these late night chats with him were somehow getting me by.

We would just talk about our day, keeping it as clean as possible, until he sends one unexpectedly flirtatious text. Like, "Do you still sleep in my sweats I lent you?"

I get nervous, embarrassed, and shy at once again.

"I'm just not interested right now. I don't have the time anyway," I said leaning back into the chair and closing my eyes.

Jayla scoffed. "Doing what? Did you get another job?"

"No, I'm legitimately focusing on things that bring me joy. I'm picking up a hobby. I'm taking more time to do this kind of stuff, like my nails. I've spent too much time worrying about someone else, so I'm going to worry about me." I said grinning at the idea. I've even planned on actually committing to a bubble bath tomorrow after work.

Jayla turned her lips up with doubt. "Mmm hmm. Well, can you at least do me a solid on this double date I have on Friday?"

"Jayla!" I groaned.

"Come on Ari! Please?! This beautiful man came in the shop yesterday and asked me out. But apparently he's in town visiting his cousin, so it would be wrong of him to go on a date and not have one for him," she explained.

"What are we, fifteen?"

"Ariana, please. He's like a Kofi-MJB mix of gorgeous. Just be my wing woman this once. I've never asked you before."

Which was true. She always was fine with her dating life. Better than fine. Everyone growing up looked at her as the beautiful one. The charming one. The fun one. Having me help had to be a huge exception.

I smacked my teeth and crossed my arms. "Fine, but I'm not promising I'll be more chipper than usual."

"When have you ever been chipper? Girl, just show and it'll be fine."


Jun decided to video call me that night to my surprise. Looking at his face as he laid in his bed just getting up for the day, made the end of mine all that much more perfect.

Clearly shirtless his clavicle was sharp with the hint of his strong pecs just barely in view. It always made my face warm.

"Hey," he said in his warm tone with a grin. His hair perfectly tousled like he just woke up.

"Hi. What time is it there?"

"A little after nine in the morning," he yawned into his shoulder. "How was your day?"

"Alright. Better now," I smirked, stealing his usual line. He thought that was funny. "How about you?"

"Long. I had a very early morning shoot. I got home an ago."

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