Chapter 12

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"A family dinner? He's going to meet Frank and Linda?! When is this?" asked Hannah, eyes wide as we drank margaritas at Jalapeños. It and been a while since we'd done, or that I had come. They seemed so much more tart than the last time.

"Yeah, he said he wanted to meet them, so he's taking us out to dinner." I explained popping a tortilla chip in my mouth.

"Do you know where?" asked Tom.

I shook my head and shrugged.

"Gotta be somewhere in the city. Someplace nice," said Hannah taking a sip of her drink.

"Hey, there's nice places in Harrison! You don't always have to go into the city for good food. That famous chef just opened a new restaurant up by the square," said Tom scooping some guacamole onto a chip.

"Which chef?" I asked.

"I don't know. The famous one," he said chuckled.

Harrison was nice. Great place to grow up. Raise a family. Be cute and suburban people. But upscale it wasn't. Fancy it could be far less of. But times were changing like everywhere else.

"Whichever restaurant it is, I'm sure it'll be fine. I just want to get through the dinner," I scoffed. If we could do that I would call it successful.

"Oh you'll get through it just fine. But you have to tell us how it really went," said Hannah with Tom nodding in agreement.

I don't know if I was nervous or just letting loose, but one margarita turned into five faster than I realized. We laughed and joked about the people that came onto the shop, talked about our worries, and shared little secrets with each other the entire night, just like old times.

"Ari, I gotta know. Is the sex crazy good or what?" asked Hannah. She on her sixth margarita.

I laughed feeling the drink and the memory of all the different places/positions Jun and I had been. My entire apartment had been christened multiple times over.

"It's incredible," I admitted, putting my hands over my mouth to stop myself from laughing too hard. Hannah and Tom laughed hard enough for me.

"I knew it. You lucky bitch," chuckled Hannah shoveling another chip with salsa into her mouth. "You're both beautiful. It's only logical."

Tom nodded in agreement. "Well at least one of us is getting laid regularly."

"What happened to Mike?" I asked turning to Hannah.

"Jail for a year. He got caught in the passenger seat of a stolen car," Hannah explained. She tried not to laugh.

"Who was driving?" I asked.

"His brother," said Tom.

"Who's car was it?"

"His mother's!" burst out Hannah, cracking up. "His own mother pressed charges on her sons. That's crazy."

I couldn't stop laughing. The tears flowing out my eyes and my sides in pain. We went on like this until closing at 1am. There was no way I could drive home, so I called a cab. All the tequila rushing up my system just as it was time to go.

I told Hannah and Tom that I would let them know once I got home.

On the cab ride home, I got a text.

Jun: Just thinking of you. You're probably asleep.

But I wasn't and all the liquor didn't help.

Ari: Nope. I'm awake 😉

The text bubbles popped up quickly.

Jun: It's so early there. Why?

Ari: went to have marvarits with Hannah and Tom.

Jun: How many did you have? Are you driving?

Ari: Idk. 4 or 5. And no, I'm in an taxi.

We were just pulling up to my apartment when Jun responded.

Jun: 5? Baby, please get home safely.Let me know when you're inside.

Ari: I am inside. I said noticing the text once I put all my stuff down on the couch. I wish you were here. I miss that body of yours. I wanna touch it.

The text bubbles started and stopped then started up again.

Jun: Ari, are you drunk? 😂

I didn't think I was that drunk. And yeah it was true. Alcohol did make me a little horny from time to time.

Ari: No. Maybe. Lol.

No sooner than I replied I did Jun decide to video call. "Hello?"

"I had to see you like this," laughed Jun looking at me laying on my bed still in my clothes. My curly hair doing what it wanted. My eyes droopy from drink and tired.

"Are you seriously laughing at me?" I whined into the camera. Of course he looked perfect. It seemed like he was in his trailer. Luckily no one was around to see me like this. I would have died from the embarrassment alone.

"Why would you drink so much on a Wednesday?" he asked still laughing. "It's not even, what do you guys call Thirsty Thursday."

"Hey! I just wanted to have some fun with my friends," I grumbled.

Jun threw a hand up in surrender. "Not judging you. Just wondering. And you should have fun with your friends. I'm glad you are. I'm also glad you're home."

I smiled and yawned, looking at his face in the drunken fuzz of my heavy eyes. But just looking at him was enough to get me going again. "Tell me something dirty," I asked.

Jun scoffed out of surprise. "Baby no, I'm technically still at work. Just wanted to make sure you're safe at home," he said chuckling.

"Please! I just want to hear you say one thing and I'll go to sleep," I pleaded. It really would be enough to get me to sleep on a high.

Jun got up and locked the trailer door before sitting back down in the chair. "Ok, but please go to sleep after this," he said. I nodded like a child who had been bargaining. Looking attentively at the screen.

He exhaled and moved the camera closer to his face. "Baby, I can't wait until I get there next week so I can taste those soft delicious lips of yours again. I've missed them on me. I miss you on me. So when I get there just be ready, because I'm going to want you all day and the next. All night and the next. Ok?" he said in that low buttery tone with a single eyebrow raise at the end.

My legs instantly crossed and I bit my lip in anticipation. "Ok," was all I could say.

"Now, go to bed," he said sternly before breaking into a smirk.

I nodded and blew him a kiss. He caught it and hung up the phone. And just like that I was out like a light.

Ari Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora