Chapter Eleven

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Never meant for this one to be this is late. Had some stuff at work and home going on. Then I spent like 6 hours at the phone store the other day trying to upgrade.

Anyway, outfits for the event are above. With Astraea's instead of heels picture a pair of black sneakers cause remember our girl does not like heels.



(Vasileios's POV)

A flash of yellow flew by with Ares chasing behind it as Tak and I discussed tonight's event. Like his usual thorough self, he had pulled the buildings blueprints so we'd be prepared for anything. I told him it was unnecessary but of course he doesn't listen.

"I take your safety very seriously."

"As do I, but this is a charity event. Who is evil enough to pull something there?"

"You." He deadpanned.

Waving him off, I caught the streak of yellow coming back our way out of my peripheral and struck my arm out at just the right time. Grabbing her wrist, I pulled her down into my lap as Ares came to a stop beside us panting. Cheeks flushed, hair is disarray, lips parted as she panted, and eyes wide she was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen.

"Sweet girl, you're going to tire yourself out if you keep running around like that. Plus your dress will get dirty."

She fell in love with the dress as soon as she saw it on the rack this morning when I took her shopping. It took ten minutes to talk her into taking off at the store after she tried it on and as soon as we got home she put it back on. She liked the way it looked and felt when she twirled or ran so she started doing laps around the house.

Standing, she pulled the dress up to her thighs and then straddled my lap, locking her legs and arms around me. She tucked her head into my neck and made herself comfortable all while Tak continued to play oblivious.

"Are we taking Ares with us?" He asked, still scanning the blueprints.

"Wasn't going to but now we have to. Daimonáki mou found a doggie bow tie she wants to clip to his collar." I answered, rubbing my hand up and down her back.

"So he can look classy while he socializes?"


"What time do we have to go?"

"Have to leave in about an hour." I answered, checking my watch.

"I'll go get ready then."

"You're going to change from one monkey suit to another? I'm shocked." I gasped, earning a light smack to the head.

Once he was gone, I gently tugged her away from my chest and kissed her forehead.

"We have to go get ready now. I have to put on my own monkey suit and you have to at least brush your hair."

She huffed and held on to me tighter. Grinning, I grabbed underneath her thighs and stood. A small gasp left her lips at the suddenness of it as I began carrying her to the bedroom. I dropped her gently onto the bed before going into the closet to get dressed.

As I started buttoning my shirt she appeared in the doorway with a scowl.

"What's wrong?"

Her eyes flicked down to my chest where her word was still written and I quickly pieced it together.

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