Chapter Five

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Trigger warning!! Descriptive assault ahead! Read with Caution!

(Astraea's POV)

I remember mom telling me once that eyes have a language of their own. That they are able to say more than words ever could. 

I never fully understood what she meant until tonight. The second I looked at him and into his eyes I peace. For the first time since mom died.

He made their voices quiet. He made the memories vanish. He made everything peaceful. I knew in that moment that I wasn't letting him go. He was mine and I felt like I was his.

I know I should've probably been scared of him, scared of any man really, considering what happened before he showed up but I couldn't find it in myself to be scared of him.


"This her?" A tall man with dark skin asked Cosmo as he walked in with two other men.

"This is her. Our Little Star." Cosmo grinned, roughly grabbing my hair and forcing me to tilt my head up.

"She looks as good as you promised." The bald man said, reaching down to adjust himself in his pants.

"First one still belong to me?" The first guy asked, eyeing my body and licking his lips.

"You paid for it so it's yours. I guarantee that she is untouched so first one is yours. I'm sure she'll bleed beautifully." Cosmo growled, dragging one hand up the inside of my thigh. I squeezed my thighs shut to stop his hand, but it just made him yank my hair harder.

"I'd like to see how she looks on her knees first."

Cosmo instantly stood and forced me off the couch to my knees as the three men started unbuckling their pants. The bald one came over and traded Cosmo spots, wrapping my hair in his fist and tugging my head back.

"You get her cunt first which means I get her mouth." He told the dark skinned man.

"That means I get her ass." The third man covered in tattoos grinned viciously.

"Have at it gentlemen and don't  be afraid to get rough. Get what you're paying for." Cosmo grinned, taking a seat on the small couch across from us where he could see everything.

Baldy was first to pull himself out of his pants and I nearly puked at the sight. He moved to stand in front of me and forced my head forward. I rolled my lips inwardly, preparing to do everything I could to stop it. Tattoos roughly grabbed hold of my jaw and forced my mouth open as tears began to roll down my cheeks unwillingly. Dark skinned guy crouched down and yanked my dress down, exposing my breasts before standing up and pulling himself out of his pants. The second his tiny dick got close to my mouth I stopped fighting back the vomit and let it go.

"Fuck!" He yelled, jumping back as I continued to throw up all over him and the floor. He moved so quickly with his pants now around his knees that something fell out of his pocket.

A knife.

I quickly grabbed the knife, flicked it open, and stabbed baldy in the thigh. I was aiming for his dick but missed. I then swung the knife at tattoo guy and managed to slice him across the leg too. Lastly, I aimed for dark skinned guy and managed to get his Achilles heel, making him drop instantly.

By then Cosmo had jumped up and rushed over. He grabbed my wrist and ripped the knife from my hand before pushing me down and kicking me in the side.

His Little DemonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant