Chapter Nine

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(Astraea's POV)

The house was big. Not bigger than Vasileios's, but it was close.

"Boss," Kastor spoke in a cautious tone as he parked the car. I looked to see that the three of them were looking at the number of cars in the driveway.

"He didn't say anything about other guests." Vasileios spoke, his tone cold.

"Go home?" Tak asked.

"Well now I'm even more intrigued. Suspicious, but intrigued."

I climbed out after him and the dogs followed me. Ares and Titan both seemed to be on high alert as they took in the surrounding area.

Vas grabbed my hand in his before heading for the front door. I expected him to knock but he didn't. He just opened the door and walked in. Ares and Titan right on our heels. On the way over he told Kastor to stay in the car in case something was to happen and told Tak he was coming in with us.

We seemingly followed the sound of people talking through the house until we reached a large dining area.

"You're late." A man suddenly spoke causing me to jump.

"I know." Vas responded, tightening his grip on my hand.

"I told you not to be late."

I peeked around Vas's shoulder to see the man he pointed out in the picture earlier. This was his Uncle Harmon. He wasn't terribly ugly.

"Did you? I don't recall."

"Take your seats. The dogs go outside."

"The dogs go where I go. You should know that by now." Vas said, walking closer to the table.

We took our seats at the table with Vas and I side by side and Tak across from me. Looking around the table, I could easily recognize everyone who had been in the picture from earlier and Vas's sister. There were five faces I didn't recognize though. One of them was a women who was practically drooling over Vas and she was sitting across from him beside Tak.

It was awkwardly silent until after the food was brought out. That's when Harmon spoke.

"I imagine you were surprised by my invitation."

"Invitation? Is that what it was? Sounded like more of a command."

"These are the Lambrou's. They are great friends of mine. They were great friends of your father's too if you remember." He said, motioning to the unfamiliar people.

"I remember." Vas nodded.

"Priam called and said he has been trying to get in touch with you for days." Harmon said, pointing to the older man diagonal from him.

"I've called your office and your cell several times. I've left several messages." Priam spoke.

"And I've ignored every single one of them." Vas replied like it should've been obvious.

Priam and his family looked very offended. Except for the woman who continued to drool over Vas. She was in her own little world.

"Which is why he came to me. He would like to propose a business deal."

"Would he now? Just what would that business deal entail?"

"I propose a marriage." Priam spoke causing me to tense.

"A marriage between who?" Vas asked.

"Yourself and my daughter, Lydia." He answered, motioning towards the woman across from us. She gave Vas a big smile and batted her eyelashes. "It would be very beneficial to all of us. Merging our families and our companies."

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