Chapter Eight

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Outfits above. Minus the purse for Astraea and possibly the necklace for Vas.



(Vasileios's POV)

A shadows fell over me as I bent down to put on my shoes. Glancing up I saw two small feet in a pair of white sneakers kicking their heels together. Finishing with my shoes I rose to stand and found Daimonáki mou standing with her hands clenched into fists at her sides. She gave me that sweet smile, motioned down her body at her outfit, and then did a spin.

"Beautiful." I smiled back which had her cheeks turning the prettiest shade of pink.

"Ready to go, Boss." Kastor, one of my guys, called through the door.

"Let's get going." I said, offering my hand to her and she didn't even hesitate.

The trip the hospital didn't take long and she kept a death grip on my hand the entire way. For once, I left Ares at home which he didn't like but I didn't think a hospital was the best place for him. Another reason why I always have Doc come to the house.

We had to sit in the waiting room for about twenty-five minutes before we were called back. Leaving Kastor and Tak in the waiting room, Astraea and I followed the nurse back to the room where they took her vital signs and checked her weight. She only let go of my hand for the weight and then she latched back on again.

When Dr. Petinos walked in Astraea was in my lap trembling. Picked up real fast that she wasn't a fan of hospitals or doctors. To get things done quickly I gave him the short version of the story and explained all that I knew.

"I need to take a look inside your throat." He told her once I was finished. She grabbed my arms and wrapped them around herself to which he laughed. "You don't have to move from your spot. I can do it right there."

After looking in her throat he did decided that's one other tests and scans needed to be done.

"I'm going with her and if you say no I will shoot you." I told the doctor.

"Kiron already warned me of that."

A few hours later, we were finished. He said that she had aphonia, the inability to produce voiced sound, due to the strangulation and that it damaged her larynx. He said she may possibly need voice therapy but for now she needs to drinks lots of water and just see how everything heals.

"It make take one a week or it may take a few. I'd like to see her back in a few weeks to see how things are going. In the meantime, feel free to call if you need anything."

"Thank you."

"Of course."

We were halfway back to the house when my phone rang. Looking at who was calling, no part of me wanted to answer but I did anyway.


"Dinner tonight at six. You won't be late. Bring your"

Then the line went dead.

"Fuck!" I cursed, throwing my phone down at my feet.

"Sir?" Kastor questioned, him and Tak both looking at me with concern through the rear view mirror.

"Dinner at six with Harmon."

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