Chapter One

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(Vasileios's POV)

"Mr. Amato, this would be a great investment for the Adonis Corporation. You can't go wrong here."

The room was silent as I stared out the window overlooking the city below. I felt a people's eyes on me but said nothing because he hadn't been talking to me. He should've been, but he wasn't. He was speaking to my best guy, Kostakis.

"You look to be a very reasonable man, Mr. Amato." The idiot spoke again, only making things worse for himself.

More silence followed which caused the man to start getting uncomfortable. He squirmed a bit in his chair as Kostakis was giving him his best resting bitch face, which made me so proud, and everyone else kept glancing between those two and me.

"If it's not to your liking, you are more than welcome to change anything you want."

"That desperate for money, are you?"  I scoffed as I sat up from where I'd been laying on the small couch pressed against the wall which quickly drew Deacon's attention to me.

"I am not talking to you. I am talking to Mr. Amato." Deacon said, motioning towards Kostakis.

"Is that so?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. "What makes you think I'm not Mr. Amato?"

He laughed at that causing everyone else to tense up. "You are but a child. I am surprised Mr. Amato has allowed you in here on such an important meeting."

"Important meeting? All I've heard for the past hour is you begging for money."

"Begging!? I assure you, I do not beg. I have brought this wonderful opportunity to Mr. Amato that will bring in millions of dollars."

"A wonderful opportunity and millions of dollars. Is that why you've gone bankrupt? Not just once though, you've gone bankrupt twice."

"Ho-How do you know that?"

Before I could answer there was a knock on the conference room door followed by my receptionist sticking her heard in.

"Sorry to interupt, Mr. Amato. Your next appointment is here." Catalina spoke. "It's Mr. Davenport."

"Escort him to my office. I'll be there shortly."

"Yes, Sir."

The look on Deacons face is one I'd seen plenty of times before and one that never got old. It was a mix of realization, regret, and fear all at once.


"The next time you so desperately want to impress someone and try to get their money, do yourself a favor and do a little research first. Meeting dismissed. See yourself out."

As I left the room with Kostakis behind me, we could hear Deacon shouting for me to come back  and apologizing over and over again.

"That's the third time this week and it's only Tuesday. We might just beat our record." I grinned.

"People may stop doing that if you dressed accordingly."

"And wear a monkey suit like you all do? No thanks. Maybe you should all dress like me. I don't make you wear those ridiculous outfits." I scoffed. "Besides, what wrong with what I have on?"

"Ripped jeans and a t-shirt do not scream CEO when you're at work."

"Good thing I created the dress code then, huh?"

"At least grow some facial hair or something."

"We've both agreed that only you can pull off facial hair. Besides, why would I hide such a glorious face?"

Kostakis sighed as he trailed after me to my office.

I'm not stupid. I'm very aware that he is right. People may be more able to guess more accurately which one of us is Mr. Amato if I dressed the part, but I don't want to. Suits are restricting and stupid. Why be uncomfortable all day when I could be comfortable? Especially if I am my own boss.

Maybe lounging on the couch with my hands behind my head during meetings like that also confuses people, but again I'm the boss. If I have to listen to someone beg for my money then I might as well be comfortable while doing so.

Walking into my office we were greeted by a man old enough to be my grandfather. He immediately rose to his feet and held his hand out to Kostakis.

"Mr. Amato, it's a pleasure to meet you in person." He spoke enthusiastically as they shook hands.

Kostakis dropped his hand, looked at me, growled in frustration, and walked out. I should also state that he absolutely hates it when people think he's me. It has caused quite a few...unfortunate situations for him.

"Please excuse him. He's had a rough day." I said, going around to sit in my chair and then throwing my feet up on my desk.

The look on his face almost matched Deacon's.

"I'm very sorry for the...mixup. I didn't expect you to be so young."

"What brings you here all the way from Washington, Mr. Davenport?"

"I need your assistance."

"You mean money?"

"No, Sir." He quickly shook his head. "I do not need the... business man side of you. I need the O Apróvleptos Diávolos side of you."

"The Unforeseen Devil? What on Earth could he do for you?"

"Help me save my granddaughter."

"I'm not really in the habit of saving people. It's more of a habit for me to...unalive them."

"I was told you could help. You are O Vasiliás tis Elládos, The King of Greece. You know everything that goes on here. If it doesn't get your approval then it doesn't happen. That is what they say. That is why I was sent to you."

"And who exactly send you to me?"

"He told me not to say."

He didn't have to say it because I knew.

"Give me everything you've got and I'll see what I can do. I make no promises or guarantees though."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" He shouted, digging around in the bag he brought and pulling out a stack of papers. "This is all I have. It's all I could find. I'm staying just down the street at one of your hotels. Please let me know as soon as you find anything."

Kostakis came back in after Mr. Davenport left and started sifting through the papers he gave me.

"So we're saving people now?"

"One person won't hurt us." I shrugged.

"With our luck, it probably will."

"Don't be such a sourpuss, Tak. Everything will be just fine." I teased, earning me a middle finger from him.

New flash, everything was not fine.


I will always say it....

I hate first chapters!

Till next time,

-B. 😘

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