Chapter 37: Rakhi

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As I and Shraddha entered the Raichand mansion on the morning of Rakshabandhan, an air of sadness enveloping the once vibrant household. The effects of Vansh Uncle's betrayal and departure were painfully evident in the downcast expressions of the family members.

Dadi, who was always so cheerful, had a sad expression on her face. And as her eyes fell on me, she just averted her eyes to the side and left from the living room. I was hurt, but I could also understand her agony.

But this wasn't going to last longer, afterall that's why I am here, Sensing the need for a positive change, I had shared my plan with Aavyansh and Shaurya. They were more than willing to help rekindle the joy that had been dimmed by recent events.

"So, are you all ready?" Aavyansh asked, his eyes gleaming with determination.

I looked at Shraddha and Shaurya and they gave him a nod and so did I, giving them a smile, appreciating their resolve. "Let's do this together."

The four of us set to work, decorating the house with vibrant Rakhi-themed ornaments and colorful fairy lights. The transformation was remarkable. The once somber living room now radiated with a festive glow. Flowers and fairy lights made it look so much better.

We gathered here every year to celebrate the Rakshabandhan festival, since I tie Rakhi to Shaurya and so does Jyeshtha. Shraddha couldn't go home because second comparatives were approaching so the elders wanted her to come as well, and I was more than happy about it. Although Ansh had been stubborn asking Shraddha to tie Rakhi to him.

Jhanvi aunty joined us in the kitchen, "Don't worry, you kids go ahead, I will take care of the food." she said, her eyes warming at us.

"Shouldn't we like go and check?" Shraddha whispered to us, her eyes reflecting the shared purpose as we gave her a nod and left the kitchen.

The whole family soon gathered in the beautifully adorned living room. I and Shraddha too changed into our dress and went down.

My eyes spotted Aavyansh standing by the door, dressed in traditional attire, He was wearing a blue coloured Kurta and to say that he looked good would be an understatement of extreme proportion.

He suddenly looked at me making my breath hitch as I averted my eyes from him, hiding the fact that I was checking him out, as he moved towards me "Can't take your eyes off me?" He whispered in my ear in his deep voice which made me forget any excuse that I thought of.

"Have you seen yourself?" I remarked back as he gave me a smirk, "Umhmm but you are seeing me, that's more than enough." I rolled my eyes at his level of over confidence. This guy!

"By the way, don't always look at me like that?" He spoke looking deep into my eyes, "Like what?" I asked narrowing me eyes at him, He leaned closer, raising his brows at me, "Like you want me to kiss you!" My jaw dropped as I stared at him shocked. He really won't stop, I am gonna kill him today.

"Take a picture it wil last longer." I heard Shraddha say before I could kill Ansh as I and he looked at each other puzzled but soon understood as we saw Shaurya standing near her and openly staring at her.

"If that's what you want!" He spoke nonchalantly as he took out his phone instantly clicking a pic of Shraddha as she tried to hide her face.

He showed the phone to us, "See that came out so good, now I will look at it as much as I want." Shaurya mumbled with a dreamy sigh as I pouted at the picture. How did that come out so well, even though it was random.

"Jeez! Learn something from him." I narrowed my eyes at Ansh as he looked at me confused, "Learn what? To be a jocker!" Aavyansh mumbled scratching the back of his head as I glared at him while Shraddha laughed out loud and Shaurya gave him a gaze that screamed, "Traitor!"

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