Chapter 3: Promises

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Sia's pov:

"I will always be by your side, I pinky promise! I will never leave you." The little boy said as the little girl hugged him tightly and smiled brightly at him trying to control her tears of the agony that came because of her Parents death, He kissed her forehead softly, while the brown haired boy patted her back to calm her down.

I smiled at the memory of my 7 year old self glancing at the boy sitting in front of me. True to his words, He has always been by me side, they both have and never left me alone, and I knew that Aavyansh and Shaurya will always stay by my side.

"So What did the Maths Teacher tell you?" I asked as Aavyansh looked at me and replied "Nothing, just that A girl needed a tutor for some doubts She has in Maths and So he Assigned me because You see! I am the best." He teased me.

Giving him a glare and spoke mockingly "Aww! Is that why I scored more Marks than you in the boards exam, Loser."

He looked at me faking a hurt face and spoke in an amused tone "Do you really have to bring that up?" I nodded happily sticking my tongue out at him.

Throwing my used tissue papers on him I ran out of the cafeteria without wasting a second knowing that he will be right behind me unless he settles his scores.

As I ran to save myself from Aavyansh, someone literally bumped into me. Aavyansh who was following me was quick on his instincts as He saved me from falling and luckily the other person only happen to drop their things.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry, I should have looked where I was going, I am sorry." I spoke looking at the person in front of me who happened to be a girl. She looked short, surely somewhat 5 ft. and 3 inches. She has a Common Indian skin and She looked beautiful, Her eyes looked so pretty, really adding more charm to her Features.

"No I am Sorry, It was my fault, I wasn't really looking at you. I was just so Nervous and..." Cutting her off I said "No! It's okay! I am fine. Let me help you pick up your things."

Aavyansh was still holding me protectively as He interrupted, in a loud voice attracting the other students in the Hallway towards the scene.

"No! It's not okay. You have eyes, Don't you? So can't you use them while walking? what if Sia got hurt or..." I stopped him closing his mouth with ny hand as I noticed the girl's teary eyes. "Stop it. You are going to scare her and I am not even hurt."

Before he could even reply I got out of his hold as I tried to help the girl in front of me to pick her things up but Aavyansh didn't let me as He picked me up in his hands.
"What are..." I squealed as He glared at me and said "Not a word, or I am going to drop you on the floor." I shut my mouth, because He has done that earlier and The fall actually hurts.

"You should watch where you are going." He told the girl with a straight tone clearly scaring her as I tried to stop him.

"I am so sorry." She squeaked in a little voice. I swear she looked like she was about to cry.

"It's alright, but you could have hurt her." He spoke as He sensed my glare directed at him due to how rude He was being to her.

She nervously nodded at him as He moved forward towards What I guess was our classroom.

"Atleast Drop me now Idiot!" I was still in his arms and I had no plans of going in front of the Teacher like that.
"You say it like it's the first time I picked you in my arms." He humoured forcing me to roll my eyes.

"Come-on Aavyansh, Others will misunderstand if they see us like this." I told him my worries though it wasn't the first time We were in a situation like this.

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