Chapter 2: Those who die becomes stars

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Sia's pov:

Sometimes I think back to all the good things that happened. Then I realise that everything that happens is for a reason. I do wish that my parents could have been here but I also know that there is nothing that I could do to change that. I wanted them to see me grow up, to be by my side, to share my laughter, to wipe my tears but they are no more and I know they are in peace. If not then their daughter - I will live the years of their share and I will live happily for them.

The memories that I had with my Parents lingered in my mind while arranging for the prayer I have been doing since the last 8 years that my parents left us. Today was their memorial day.

After Mom and Dad died, Dad had left my Custody to Mom's brother like friend and his own bestfriend, that would be Rajveer Uncle - Shaurya's father.

Rajveer Uncle used to be on trips but his mom as in Shaurya's grandmother was there with us, she loved me alot.

When I turned 13 Dadi died too because of old-age, it was a tough time because I had got so attached to her and Shaurya, Dadi was the one who has basically looked after him, he loved her more than anything. When she died he refused to come out of his room and eat food, it was me and Aavyansh who brought him out of his 'I won't talk to anyone' zone.

Since Rajveer Uncle used to be out of city for majority of time because of his work, it was mostly because of his dead wife, but just for me and Shaurya he tried to stay in the same place for more than months with us after Dadi died.

But whenever it would be too much for him and his mental health, He used to leave us with the Raichands, that would be Aavyansh's family, Jhanvi aunty - Yash Uncle's wife, that is his sister. He trusted them more than his life so leaving them with us for months was neither a problem, nor a danger. He has managed to somehow cope up with the reality of losing his other half and never married again because according to him she was his first love and even if Shaurya did need a mother figure, he would be both a Dad and a Mom to her.

Yash Singh Raichand, Rajveer Singh oberoi, Alexander Blackwood, lastly Manish Singhania - my Dad used to know each other since the College days and they all wouldn't even hesitate to sacrifice themselves for each other. That was the kind of friendship they had, the bond they had formed, and that's what we as their children have taken from them.

It's not that my Relatives didn't come to take my custody when my Dad died but we all knew the reason. It was the fortune my Dad had left me. He was a well known lawyer so he had quite a fortune, and I was his only child, so he left it all to me, but that was after I turn 21 before that it was to be kept safe with Rajveer uncle, who was only allowed to use it for my expenses, not that he ever did.

Although I objected but Rajveer uncle paid for my school fees himself, the expenses were taken care of by Dadi herself, she got a pension since she was a government teacher and, so I am making sure that whichever College I apply for will be on Scholarship because I know Uncle would pay for my college also that too from his money no matter how much I ask him not to.

This year however I was planning to move out to live in the apartment that my Dad owned. My Chachu has agreed to send Shraddha over so I wasn't going to live alone, she was going to stay with me.

Rajveer uncle wasn't happy about my decision but he supported me wholeheartedly on one condition though, I am suppose to face time him every week and meet him once a month, which I will make sure to do because he otherwise gets too worried of my well being and forgets to look after himself.

Expenses weren't going to be a big deal, I made sure of that because I have a good saving, and on top of that I had my monthly expenses from my Dad's account too.

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