chapter 4 "preparations for a big night"

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Ashley's POV

It wasn't long before I was assigned a new mission, but for once it was a team mission, way more important than my last one.

Normally I didn't have a team come with me but this time I did, it was me, that doesn't need explanation I'm the 'ghost'.

Then there's Andrew and Rose, a pair of strawberry blonde twins with the prettiest hazel eyes I've ever seen, they were my get away team and distractions.

Andrew was quite lean and slim, but he had a bit of muscle, Rose was slightly more heavy set and curvy, but don't underestimate her she could throw you over her shoulder. 

Then Robin, our tech wizz and home base guy, ginger curly hair, super fluffy, freckles all over and grey-blue eyes, a slim guy, glasses with thin frames and a birthmark on his neck. 

And finally Jenny, dirty blonde wavy hair in a wolf cut style, pale green eyes, the only wolf on the team but she was another spy, she could blend in with me and get better access to wolf areas.

I was only close with the first three, Jenny was friends with Robin and I promised him I'd make an effort into actually getting to know her.

She wasn't bad, quite pleasant actually, witty, a little blunt which was actually needed at times, pretty realistic and helpful. Call me an asshole but I didn't like her much, not for her personality, but more for being a wolf. 

Ignorant I know, but I had my reasons, it was hard to actually get over my hate for wolves.

But I suppose Jenny was slowly rubbing off on me, I didn't feel like stabbing her anymore which was an improvement, and we could actually hold a conversation, she was the only and last wolf I planned on getting close to. 

We were heading to the northern American continent. We had gotten wind that all supreme Alphas had decided to gather there, apparently my last stunt ruffled their fur quite a bit. 

Honestly I felt quite proud of myself in a way, getting under their skin so much. 

I smirked a little as I looked out the plane window, I wasn't afraid of flying anymore, or heights, I couldn't be afraid of such things with a job like mine.

"Oh come on Jenny this is gonna be fun! I heard from some other scouts they've got incredible underground mixed bars here, we can all go!" Andrew yelled with excitement, as usual his mind went anywhere but the mission.

"Yeah! The best part is they never get raided! They've got some kind of law there not to disrupt the peace there, it's like, neutral ground!" Rose added as she stretched in her seat, high-fiving Andrew as they encouraged one another. 

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

Twins, I tell ya, they were a duo of chaos and jokester prank ideas, how they managed to keep their jobs I don't know. 

"Focus guys, mission first then we can head to a club to celebrate, you know the rules" I say, a cheeky smirk on my face as the twins look at me oh so innocently, batting their eyelashes at me, "awww come on, can't we just have ooooone drink?" They pleaded.

"No" I shot back with a deadpan face.

They pouted a little before Robin chimed in, "I'm sure ghost wouldn't mind us going once we get our job done" he said, peeking over his laptop "besides, then we get our fun party girl ashy~" he teased.

My face went red, I didn't normally get embarrassed by teasing but they had seen me when I'm drunk, normally I'm more of an isolated person.

But drunk ash often got way too confident, she had no filter or social anxiety, a party animal.

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