chapter 19 "A bitch of a rival"

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Ashley's POV

"'s nothing like that, I just know Ashley, please don't make this a big deal" Jenny asked exasperated, my guess was Veronica had been giving Jenny a hard time too.

She seemed to be the type to just cause problems for the fun of it, my guess she was at least some high ranking member.

"You're mating to Gamma Oliver isn't complete yet, I don't have to take orders from a treacherous wolf like you" Veronica growled under her breath.

Jenny glared at her but I placed a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.

"Leave her Jenny...she's not worth our efforts...we need to talk more at a later time...when we won't be interrupted by mutts" I glared daggers into Veronica, the look of disrespect in her eyes, the look of rage building.

"Mutts!? Who do you think you are? A human rebel like you has no right looking down on us, Nobel wolves from respected families" a new woman walked over, standing by Veronica's side.

Bleach blonde hair, I could tell it was dyed by the dark dirty roots of her hair, she was a little shorter, brown eyes and round face, too much makeup in my opinion.

"Humans, I tell you, are so dumb, especially the ones that grow up away from a pack, they have no idea how the world is supposed to work." Next was a male voice, ginger hair, pale green eyes and freckles.

'oh for fuck sake there's another one' I thought to myself.

"Jenny...fraternising with an enemy, should we report this to the Alpha?'s been a while since we've seen him tear apart an enemy, especially a human one" Veronica grinned maliciously at us.

It made my skin crawl at the idea of being torn apart in front of the pack, like some kind of chew toy.

"It's nothing like that... Ashley is just a friend of mine, and she doesn't like packs." Jenny tried to sound calm but I could tell she was nervous.

It just made me hate this bitch even more.

"Are you talking back to us now? You aren't officially mates to the Gama yet, we don't have to bend over backwards for you" the obnoxiously blonde one put her hands on her hips.

Veronica seemed to smirk, getting an idea "say, I'm really hungry, would you be a dear little human and get me some food? Chop chop" she clapped her hands.

I just stared at her like she was some kind of idiot and crossed my arms, I wasn't getting food for her.

She glared at me and pushed past Jenny grabbing my shoulder.

"Listen here you little human, you will do as i-AH!" she screamed as I grabbed her hand and bent it backwards much further than it should have.

"I advise you to keep your hands to yourself...I don't like being touched especially by mutts" I shoved her arm back forcing her to take a couple steps away from us, she seemed too shocked to fully comprehend what I did to her.

The group stared at us for a moment, or at least me, Jenny had moved behind me slightly despite being a little taller.

"You-you vile little human!" Veronica screamed at me, she lunged at me and dug her claws into my shoulder.

She was stronger than she looked, I should have known, she was a hunter after all.

I felt my back hit the wall as she held my shoulder with a death grip, her claws tearing through the white fabric hoodie, a small amount of blood seeping through becoming visible.

I winced, gritting my teeth to keep my pain to a minimum in being noticed, grabbing hold of her arm staring back at her angrily.

She only smirked back at me seeing me bleed, it must have boosted her terrible ego.

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