chapter 9 "The Cat and Mouse"

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Ashley's POV

After learning about the ban on unnecessary travelling and extra security in and out of the country me and my group headed back to the safe house.

It was the safest place to stay currently, but we'd still stay on our toes. 

If need be the farmer gave us permission to burn the building down, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that, he hadn't come to the building since his wife was killed in a wolf caused accident. 

For a few days we decided to lay low, hold out with the supplies we had currently, we needed things to settle down. 

With that time we sent coded messages back and forth between our home base and team, deciding to keep things hush hush for now as to not cause panic in the rebellion community.

And me? 

I was seething, festering in my thoughts, frustration and fear over this situation. 

I was angry, really fucking angry, I was trapped here in a place that wasn't my home, being hunted by some stupid mutt who thought he had a right to me because of some bullshit bond and risk my friends lives if he ever gets to us.

I couldn't even keep him out of my head, I'd feel moments where my mind felt like it was being pried open again by him, like he was here.

And in my dreams, I kept having that same repetitive dream of being stuck in a forest being chased by this wolf.

But it felt so real every time, the way he spoke, the way things felt, I was barely able to keep myself just out of his grasp, he was constantly on my tail chasing me, and he was persistent.

I ignored the majority of what he said, it was the same every time, telling me to not run, trying to lure me in with sweet words. 

Trying to get me to tell him where I was, get me to give into his stupid persuasion, using the mate bond to make me feel like I needed him close, I didn't know how much longer I could keep running, I never felt rested, I couldn't Relax or let down my guard.

It was exhausting keeping my head clear, I was so, so tired at this point. 

So tired that my anger must have been getting the better of me, the second I got my hands on some mind enhancers I decided to come up with a plan. 

Mind enhancing tablets were made up of a genetically modified wolfs-bane, it's something my parents, apparently, my mother was some sort of chemist or alchemist, I'm honestly not sure, came up with before they were killed.

But it allowed humans to create mental blocks to keep mutts out, especially for mates, I wasn't exactly sure how it helped but I knew wolfs-bane cancelled out the mutt's abilities, either for themselves or for others. 

The only problem was that they were both expensive and difficult to make, I only got my hands on them after explaining my situation to the base leader at this continent.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to grow wolfs-bane, store the plant, process it into the ingredients, manufacture it into the pills, smuggle all the ingredients around the country and drop off the finished product or anything to deal with wolfs-bane?

In wolf infested territories such as this one, it was like dancing on a tight rope above a pit of fire. 

One slip up and the whole operation of the pill would go up in flames, owning wolfs-bane in any form was illegal unless you had authorised access.

Meaning I could only get my hands on it once a week, and I only got 4 pills, the smaller the better, especially now, meaning I'd have days where the pill would wear off and he'd sometimes seep into my dreams. 

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