chapter 6 "Wild night"

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⚠️⚠️WARNING! this chapter contains smut, it may be terribly written, I'm just writing from knowledge I have from other stories! This is more for writing practice and experience, if you do not want to read it that's fine! The section will be marked with ✨✨✨ from where it starts to where it ends so you can skip, only read if you're comfortable so and old enough! Thank you for reading!

Also any IRL friends reading you didn't, you're blind, we take this to our graves 💀 ok enjoy reading!⚠️⚠️


The next night from the mission.

Ashley's POV

It was the next night over from our little mission at Alpha Damien's pack house, it was a success, mostly.

I hadn't said anything about the smell I had found, or the fact it was likely Alpha Damien's scent, or the fact his voice made my legs feel weak, a flustered heat washing over me at the thought of him, the idea of facing him head on, the desire for hus touch, his-

Wait, no, No bad Ash!

Stop thinking about him like that! He's your enemy, stay focused, you just need to find a way to fix this.

Thinking with a clear mind the idea of him being my mate terrified me to my core, destroying all confidence I had built up over the years.

It was infuriating.

The only person to know right now about this even being a possibility was Robin, he could tell something was off when I had gotten back, avoiding everyone to calm my mind.

I had taken what felt like an eternity long shower at steaming temperatures that most would find painful.

I needed some way to warm my icy soul, but also I hoped it would scrub the experience from my body.

Like a water reset on what happened.

I had spoken to him briefly on the matter, but I just wanted to forget it happened, I couldn't let this affect my work, I tried to convince myself maybe it was a coincidence, maybe he had a friend who looked and sounded like him, still not great but better than the number one supreme Alpha.

For me that was essentially a death sentence handed to me by Hades himself on a silver platter.

And all he needed was my signature or a single slip up to ruin my whole life.

The less people to know the better, put them at less risk and made sure word didn't accidentally spread, I did not need to give him more of a reason to track me.

And Robin wasn't exactly taking it well either.

Worried was an understatement for him.

More like losing his mind and sweating bullets a million thoughts a minute, that was more accurate.

Hell he was just as scared as I was, he was my oldest friend since coming to this base in Spain, he was like a brother to me, like Sammy, they were both my little brothers.

I felt pathetic, I should be the one protecting him, now he's thinking of ways to protect me.

"You know....i could try making you a wolf grade taser...we don't know for sure yet who it is...we can work around this" he said pacing around his little desk.

The Alphas rebellious Mate.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat