chapter 18 "the illusion of freedom"

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~~~~~two days later~~~~~

Ashley's POV

A couple days had passed since I got my shiny new tracker, and I had managed to convince Meg to not drag me out of the room for a little while.

but i guess today was the day Meg was determined to drag me out to 'make friends'

I didn't want more friends, I had the friends I wanted, they are all I needed, I didn't see why I had to meet new people. If only Meg knew about my intentions of not sticking around, she seemed sweet.

I'm sure it would upset her so I wasn't going to tell her.

She wouldn't understand why I'd want to leave, she hadn't seen what I had, from what I learned she grew up in a cosy little family in pack lands.

Today Meg had managed to convince me to wear something at least a little nicer than what I had been wearing.

Only because she wouldn't stop insisting I'd look nice.

That and she only gave me two options, either a compromise outfit of slightly loose blue jeans, a black long sleeve and white hoody, some black trainers and black socks.

Or a pair of black skinny jeans, a blue off the shoulder crop top and some black heeled boots.

Yeah the choice was pretty obvious for me.

We had some random guard with us as we walked down towards the lunch room, it was a massive open cafeteria with benches and tables, even an outside area.

The food did smell great but I had 0 appetite to eat, especially around others.

"Ash I promise! This will be fun, we'll grab food and then I'll introduce you to some others I know, new and experienced human wolf mates, they'll help you adjust" Meg said excitedly.

I shot her a glare and she put her hands up "sorry sorry, I know how you feel, I just thought it might help you feel less alone"

"Meg, as sweet as that sounds, I doubt anyone here can be my friend, I'm not the friendliest of people" I crossed my arms, my tone dipping as I thought about my friends.

I missed them.

"Well you befriended me" she said with a wide smile as we approached the dining hall/cafeteria.

"Meg you basically attached yourself to me, I'm just lucky you're pleasant and it just worked out, besides I have to see you often, might as well make it less stressful"

I braced myself as Meg pushed open the doors, dragging me inside with her, she was quite eager for breakfast.

I was starting to feel queasy and uneasy with just being here.

The room was massive, a high ceiling and plenty of space. I stuck close to Meg for now, but wolves being the nosey mutts they were, seemed to stare at us the second I passed by.

I certainly didn't smell like one of them.

And they didn't know my face, so this was the first time any of them were seeing me, of course they'd want to know what was going on.

"Do I have to be here Meg, it feels suffocating" I tried speaking in a lower voice to not draw too much attention.

"Yes, it'll be good for you! You've been in your room far too long! Exposure is good for desensitising yourself to this place.”

Meg brought me to this long line of wolves, it was similar to an open buffet you'd see in some kind of resort. I was handed a tray as Meg smiled at me "here, just choose what you want. I like scrambled eggs and toast, with a little bit of mayo, what about you?"

The Alphas rebellious Mate.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें