chapter 26 "what might have been"

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Ashley's POV

I don't know where I was running, or how long I had been running but I knew I had to keep going, if I stopped, even for a second I was going to die.

I would die alone in these woods alone ripped apart by terrifying monsters that were hunting me.

I didn't want to die alone!

I wanted my mama! 

I wanted my little brother and big sister!

I wanted my dad!

I didn't want to be alone, I was scared something had happened to them and I wasn't there to protect them.

I screamed in pain feeling a piercing pain in my ankle, it hurt so bad, I didn't know what was going on but I felt myself being dragged back and shamed side to side.

"Let go! Let go! Please someone! Anyone! Help!" I cried out so loud I was going to choke on my own cries.

I kicked back at the drooling and foaming mouthed monster that had its teeth in my ankle, tearing away flesh from my bone.

No one came to my cries and begs for help, I was barely able to see i was crying so much.

"Mama! Papa!" I cried out more and tried flailing on the forest ground to save myself, I didn't want to be eaten or bitten, and it hurt so much having its teeth in my leg.

I managed to grab onto an old exposed root and wrapped my arms around it so tight I swear I'd break my arms.

I could feel a wave of pain after pain as the wolf tugged on my leg trying to get me off the tree root, but I refused to let go, holding on with all my strength.

"Get off of me!!" I screamed slamming my other foot into its face.

It let go just long enough for me to get up and run away again, desperate to find my family or my village, I had to warn them.

But by the time I reached the village it was too late.

Buildings were on fire and some even damaged, walls broken down or doors ripped off, it was absolute chaos, screaming and shouting coming from all angles as people ran left and right.

Terrifying beastly wolves were chasing people around, sinking their teeth into their limbs and bodies.

The air was heavy with the smell of blood and violence.

I felt sick to my stomach as I stood frozen staring at the chaos unfolding in front of me.

My home was being destroyed.

I was too late.

No, no I couldn't be! I was better than this! I should have gotten here faster!

I screamed in terror feeling something nudge my back, I jumped away and spooked out of my frozen terror, I turned to stare at what it was and felt the air leave my lungs.

It was a massive black wolf with leafy green eyes staring at me in the face, it was taller than me.

I was just a kid, this thing could probably eat me whole!

I screamed again and ran away from it, hyperventilating like crazy now, I was so scared, I wanted my parents! 

"MOM!!! DAD!!!" I cried out again, but I didn't hear or see them.

But I heard the sound of gunshots, familiar ones, shit guns, I knew that sound!

"DAD!" I cried almost in relief as I ran towards the sound, but the smile on my face was quickly distorted into a grim look of horror as I came around to the sight of 5 wolves tearing something apart.

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