Chapter 3 "A new home and new goals"

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Ashley's POV.

I made sure to finish my report quickly and jog down a dirt trail towards Mr McClang's hut in the forest, making sure to watch my phone and the timer I had set for myself, Mr McClang did love his punctuality.

I reached his porch steps with a minute and 34 seconds to spare, he looked pleased as I walked up to him standing at attention.

His subtle smile was infectious as I smiled back at him, though he was strict I loved him dearly, it was just a part of him that we all loved despite how blunt he could be at times.

"There you are, my little ghost, now, come inside, the coffees are getting cold, and I like it hot, I need to warm this old cold heart" he said heading inside.

I chuckled and followed inside, taking my shoes off at the door and followed close behind.

"Yes sir, I promise if it goes cold I'll make you a new one" I said smiling at the old man.

"Damn right little missy, now, tell me about your mission, these old eyes don't read like they used to, what kept you up?" He asked, grabbing his coffee from an old stump turned coffee table, we both liked it black so we had different coloured mugs.

He liked green, I liked blue.

He sat in his old recliner seat, it was made of a very faded fabric with just as many wrinkles as him.

He had been using this chair since we got here, honestly I'm not sure where he got it but he made it very clear no one else was allowed to sit on his chair, well except the little ginger and white cat he had adopted.

The name was something I'm honestly not surprised that he chose, he named the friendly feline commander.

An odd name but it made him happy, he doesn't admit it but he spoils commander more than anyone, that cat was going to live a long long life, and not a single person was allowed to disrespect the little commander.

"Well sir, I got a little caught up with a mutt, nothing serious on my end, I left him as a nice little present tied up in the security room" I said taking my mug to my soft rose pink lips.

I had a scar on the left top side of my lip, split from the impact car crash which inevitably killed my mother.

I was pretty self conscious about it but I didn't say so, I didn't want to seem weak and bothered by a little scar. We all had scars in some way or another, but something deep in my mind was worried how a future partner might view it.

I couldn't explain why though, I didn't plan on getting married.

"I assume that's a sharp bow you left, you seem to be one blade short" he said not moving his eyes from his dark coffee, bouncing one leg.

"As sharp as ever sir, yes, I did lose a blade, but I couldn't risk a mess, don't worry I wear gloves all the time" I said confidently holding up my black cotton gloves.

A smile graced his lips with a subtle but proud smile towards me, he put his cup down letting a chuckle rumble on his chest as he leaned back in his chair, “wonderful my dear, I’ll get you a new blade don’t you worry your pretty little head” he said cheerfully, I had learned plenty of techniques from him.

I suppose he was pretty happy to have me as such a dedicated apprentice, a lot of younger rebels thought he was too harsh.

I think they just need thicker skin, he’s a lovely old man, just don’t annoy him.

“Won’t Mr Marshall be annoyed? He told me last time I needed to stop losing blades, I’ve been on my best behaviour but I’ve lost 3 these last 2 months, admittedly it was for a good reason, I normally steal them back…..after a few months” I mumbled the last part sheepishly with a smile.

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