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Harley's pov
I quickly stood up and faced him "Damon I— "save it Harley we got bigger things" I cocked an eyebrow at him and he smirked "I've come to tell your buddy here that he has to postpone the ritual" Klaus barley even moved nor did he pay Damon any attention as he kept his eyes on me.

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" "Yeha but was before I rescued your werewolf and vampire and killed your witch" that was a lot of ands. He's not very bright! Klaus finally acknowledge Damon by getting up in his face "you can kill me for it! I don't care" Damon was going to die I mean sure he just asked Klaus to Jill him but still that's just so unlike Damon.

I made eye contact with Katherine and she shook her head no "Katerina would you give us a moment" Katherine looked at me and I got a nervey feeling in my tummy "um what about Harley?" "She'll stay, you go" Katherine gave me prayer hands before walking away. As soon as she was gone Klaus went right up to Damon's face "my dear Harley has told me so much about you" he snapped and almost instinctively I was walking towards him before stopping directly behind him. "She said you're crazy, impulsive, and in love with you brother's girl".

Klaus turned away and I moved out from behind him stepping to the right slightly "I knew that one of you would try to stop me. It was just a 50-50 guess on who" Klaus then pressed play on his computer "the nice thing about werewolves is they tend to travel in packs. When you spend a thousand years trying to break a curse! You learn a thing or two" Klaus whispered in Damon's ear.

"First rule, always have a backup. Backup werewolf, backup witch— "and a backup vampire" Damon finished for him. I heard Klaus chuckle "I've got that covered too" just then he was next to me. I felt his hands on me and then everything went dark. For a split second I felt pain and then nothing.

Damon's pov
"Damon! Hey!" I felt a sting on my cheek iver and over again as the blood touched my lips. I groaned slightly before looking up to see Katherine. "What the hell happened?" "He's gone. He went to the ritual" "where's Harley? That little traitor" Katherine has a sad look plastered on her face "Damon he killed her and then took her" I sat up slowly and grabbed her arm "what do you mean he killed her? What am I going to tell freaking Elena?" Katherine sighed before ripping her arm away from me "tell Elena that her sister loved her but the part that loved her, Harleen... she was gone a very long time ago and even though Elena brought some of that out of her it was too late. Tell Elena that even though her big sister betrayed her know that if she had a second chance she'd change everyone but honestly... you light it have to tell her anything if you don't leave right now".

Harley's pov
I gained consciousness again but still everything was dark. "Harley!" I heard a faint voice and as if I was holding in a large breath I finally exhaled. I jolted awake and Elena immediately threw her arms around me. "She's not dead! She's in transition" I looked over to see that  Greta girl "geez Greta you've never made sense but now you're really sounding dumb" Elena looked down at me and started crying "no Harley, no".

I felt like I had been hit by a truck or something "Elena what's going on? Could you turn that chirping down geez why is everything so loud? You hear that right? God my head hurts! Elena what's going on" Elena had tears in her eyes "Elena where are we?" "We're at the quarry" I felt like the world was spinning and I was gonna throw up. Why was I here? And what is that freaking sound? And why am I so hungry?

"Harley you need to calm down" I looked at her and started crying "Elena what's going on? Please just tell me" "Harley you're becoming a vampire" I searched her eyes for a hint of laughter. I couldn't be a vampire I was barely even a functional human. "Elena am I going to die?" "I bet you're hungry" I looked over at Greta "I don't want anything from you, you bitch!"

Greta rolled her eyes "oh Harley I wouldn't go anywhere near you! You're a trickster and I don't have time for games. Greta cut her wrist and dropped her blood into a bowl she made it fly next to me and she smiled "the choice is yours" "Elena what do I do?" She shrugged "if you don't you'll die but if you do you'll die so I guess the choice is yours" I picked up the bowl and sipped when it was all gone I laid against the cool dirt and just then I was surrounded by fire.

"Elena?" "We're ok! Harley we're ok!" I looked for her face over the fire and smiled "Joker wouldn't let this happen to me! He'll save us Elena!" She smiled "so will Stefan". I laid back down and watched Elena. She was standing pacing back and forth as Greta threw some rando girl on the floor.

"Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature! It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed!" Greta rolled her eyes "my duty is to Klaus!" Just then he appeared. "Klaus!" He found my face amongst the fire and walked over to me. "My dear Harley, how are you feeling?" "I feel weird what's going on?" He smiled "remember when you told me that you would do anything to help me? Well this is how you fulfill that promise!" "Harley you know him?" I heard Elena ask me but I only focused on Klaus.

"I can't hear them anymore" Klaus furrowed his brows for a second before a lightbulb went off. "When you become a vampire many illness are cured. Whatever you had going on in your head is fixed now, Greta!" Almost immediately my fire was down and Klaus grabbed the sides of my face. "Harley please try to understand that this is just business, however it has been a hoot knowing you!" I looked past him and smiled when I saw joker! "J! JOKER IM OVER HERE!" I tried to break free from Klaus but his hands wouldn't let me go.

"He's the one who suggested I pick you! I felt like I was just stabbed "he wouldn't!" Klaus shrugged "believe what you want honey I would never lie to you though" I felt a tremendous amount of pain like worse than I've ever felt as I started crying falling to my knees. "He loves me, joker please!" I made eye contact with him and he just started chuckling. "no. AAHHHH! I HATE YOU!" Klaus and Greta carried on with the ritual ignoring my yelling.

"AFTER ALL IVE EVER DONE FOR YOU THIS IS WHAT YOU DO!" "Harley stop!" "NO! No you do not get to play Angels advocate! You have no idea what I've been through!" I looked over towards him and I started crying again. "Elena I'm sorry" she smiled down at me "we'll be ok Harley! We always are".

A/N: I could have swore I posted but anywas thank you all sm for almost 50k! I love you all sm and another post coming soon <3

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