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Harley's pov

"Nine letter word known as a breakfast muffin topping?" I heard Katherine groan as she poured the coffee into a mug. "Kitty Kat? Hey I'm talkin to you, you could at least respond to me" "I'll be back as soon as I can" I left Katherine alone to face Maddox who was talking to Alaric (Klaus).

"Yes, do hurry I'm anxious to get out of this body and if you get hung up, call me. You know how impatient I get" Katherine finally turned around and held out the coffee mug "where's he going?" I smiled and snatched the mug from her "hey— "he's going to retrieve me. So I can get out if this bad hairdo" I perked up and Klaus took the mug from me and walked behind the counter.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Klaus?" I smiled and jumped onto the counter sitting crisscross. "I think it's an amazingly great idea" Katherine rolled her eyes at me and Klaus smiled at me. Klaus snapped his finger at me and stared I back at him as the room around me melted into Joker's bedroom and Klaus turned into Joker.


"Oh honey I'm so glad you could make it" I stared back at him before playing with my brown hair between my fingers. "What's going to happen to me now J?" Joker stepped closer and caressed my face "what do you want to happen darling?" I shrugged and looked up at through my lashes.

"Hmm" he dropped his hand from my jaw and started playing with my hair "you don't look right" I furrowed my brows and he snapped at me "I'm going to send you somewhere but when you hear me call for you, you come back ok?" I nodded "how will I know?" He didn't say anything he just snapped. Something told me to walk away. I didn't know where I was walking too but I knew I would make it there, wherever there was.

"Harley? Harley? Little One?" I heard a snapped and I blinked to see Klaus staring at me. Katherine was still standing by the coffee machine watching me closely. "What the fuck are you looking at?" Katherine put her hands up in the air and turned to dance Klaus who was now holding my hands. "Anyways as I was saying I've killed the witch, I have the moon stone, and the doppelgänger is waiting in the wings.

Doppelgänger? Doppelgänger? What is a doppelgänger? When no one answered me I realized I was talking in my head. "What's a doppelgänger Klaus?" He looked at me and smiled "no need to worry about that. However you do remember to bring your sister to me right?" I nodded "I nodded" he laughed.

I hopped off the counter and walked away from Klaus & Katherine who were still discussing about the curse. Whatever that was. I saw Klaus standing by the door and I perked up "oh I wanna go!" I ran over to him and I waved at Katherine who was just told she wasn't allowed to leave.


I stepped out of Alaric's car and waved goodbye to Klaus before walking into my home. I heard commotion coming from the kitchen so I walked towards it. I saw Aunt Jenna on the phone looking slightly stressed. "Oh that's kinda hard to do from my kitchen!" Aunt Jenna paused and I just watched her "yeah what's going on? Where's Elena? I'm supposed to meet Ric at the grill for lunch to talk" my ears perked up. Ric? Alaric? But there isn't an Alaric it's Klaus.

Just then my phone buzzed and I saw a texts from Stefan.

Are you home?

if you are do not let
Jenna leave!

Harley: I won't

I looked up from my phone to see Jenna staring at me. "Hey" she sniffled slightly and I walked over to her giving her a hug. "Are you ok?" As I stood there holding Jenna I realized I haven't been around real emotion in a very long time. I longed for my old life.

I missed when I was sure what was real and what was fake. I miss when the only voice in my head was my thoughts. HEY! HEY! HEY! They all said it at the same time causing a pain in my head making me groan and flinch. Jenna stepped back and wiped her tears "I'm sorry Harley I'm such a mess. I thought I could do this but I.. I can't. You're over 21 now maybe I should just sign their guardianship over to you".

I sighed deeply and pulled in my pigtail. "Aunt Jenna look at me? I'm a million shades lighter than I once was, I talk like a three year old and in case you haven't noticed I've got a bad reputation. I'd screw them up more than you ever could" we both laughed and she grabbed my face in a motherly way. "Thank you Harls, I really needed that. Anyways I um I've been meaning to ask you how long you were deciding to stay?".

"It's not really up to me. Whenever I'm summoned back I will go" Jenna gave me a sad smile and dropped her hands from my face "since you've been here the kids have been happier. They need their big sister even if you aren't 100% the same. I shrugged and looked at the ground. Just then there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it Aunt Jenna you just wipe your face" I walked away from her and headed towards the door. When I opened it I was surprised to see Alaric. Dang it Klaus! "Kla—

He put his hand over mouth and shook his head no. "Alaric?" He smiled and I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Alaric you're here I was just about to cancel. Can we talk another day I'm going to spend the day with my niece" I smiled awkwardly and Klaus gave me a look.

"It's fine Aunt Jenna I'm sure Alaric and you can talk for a few minutes. We've got all day" Henna shrugged and then Klaus walked in.

A/N: I don't usually say anything after I post but I wasn't to say thank you all so much for over 30k you all mean so much to me I love you all and thank you ☺️

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