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Harley's POV
Mystic Falls, Virginia Sounds awful honesty "I grew up here with my overachieving sister and my wonderful parents" I smiled as I walked down the familiar street to my house. With my bag sung over my shoulder and my Puddin choker tight in my neck I walked closer and closer to my home.

When I pulled up to the big White House on Maple Street I slowly stepped up the stairs and reached under the mat to unlock the door. Huh the key is gone? Maybe they wanted to keep you away? "Quiet!" I set my bad down and sat on the porch swing taking out my phone. I soon realized I didn't have Elena's number so I closed my eyes and waited.

I heard the stair creak and followed by "Harleen?" I smiled and slowly opened up my eyes "Hiya Lena! Oh and it's Harley now! Haven't you heard?" I batted my lashes at her and she looked shocked as she walked up the stairs with some guy who wasn't Matt. Elena walked over to the door and unlocked it "Last I heard you were locked up" I grabbed my bag and giggled as I followed them inside "yeah well my friend the Joker he got me out!" Elena seemed irritated as she set the keys down "What are you doing back here?" I put my bad down and sat on the couch "Would you believe me if I said I missed ya?" "No" "well fine then! Maybe I just wanna play" Elena walked to the kitchen.

I waited till the handsome boy with green eyes followed her and then I followed. "So what time is mom and dad getting back? I bet they'll be so happy to see me!" I giggled and turned to look at myself in the microwave.

Elena walked over to me and sighed "what's up with your hair Harleen?" I smiled "don't you like it?" Elena sighed and reached for my shorts. "These are basically panties!" "No I have panties under these duh!" "Anyways Harls there's something I've gotta tell you" I smiled at my golden sister "yes?" "Yo Elena you in here?" "JEREMY?!" I ran to my little brother and he grabbed me hugging me tightly.

"Harleen? I thought you were in prison?" I smiled "well baby brother I never stay in prison for long" I tapped his nose "so where's mom and dad?" I fixed my ponytails and the handsome green eyed boy spoke up "You don't know?" I faced towards him "know what?" Elena sighed "mom and dad are dead" I felt my heart drop.

Of course they are! Yeah nobody will ever love you enough to stay! The voices started over lapping "SHUT UP!" They cut off and the three people in the room stared at me "we didn't say anything" the green eyed boy said "Stefan don't she's bipolar and has many other issues" my heart started racing "I'm going to my room" I turned away from them and walked up the stairs.

Joker why did you leave me? My phone rang as if he was waiting and I quickly picked it up "Sweets!" "What the fuck J?! I don't want to be here!" I sniffeled "are you crying?" "No" he laughed and I felt my blood boil "don't call me until you are ready to apologize you fucker!" I hung up in his face and laid down on my parents bed and cried.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you all are enjoying so far 💜

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