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Harley's pov
Elena and Stefan left my room a little bit ago so I could get dressed. I grabbed my long blue sleeved shirt and a red skirt. Before I left I put my hair up into its regular two ponytails and grabbed my leather knee high boots.

I walked into Elena's room to see her and Stefan sitting on her window seat. "Yeah" I smiled when I saw Stefan rest his arm around her waist I heard footsteps and I turned around grabbing someone's arm and flipping them over. I looked down to see Uncle John under me.

"I... I just need Elena to come downstairs" he raised my eyebrow and looked over at Elena, she rolled her eyes "Harley please send this man away" I smiled at him "goodnight" I raised my leg and pleaded "wait wait wait wait it's important please! You too Harley and Stefan" I looked over at Elena and she nodded once.

I let John up and I walked downstairs Stefan and Elena right behind me. Standing in the doorway of our kitchen was a lady with black hair and blue eyes as bright as mine. Elena seemed more shocked then surprised so perhaps she knew her. "I asked John for a do-over" I snorted "since when does have any authority?" Elena looked over at me "he doesn't! I can't believe you invited her in!" John didn't seem to care "she was information about Klaus".

Klaus? My eyes lit up "you know Santa?" The lady stared at me for a second and then smiled "you must be Harleen, my firstborn" I narrowed my eyes at her "you would think after you I would have been more careful" I looked at the lady in disbelief "listen lady I dunno who you are or if you think you're funny but you're not and I am not amused".

John groaned "girls please just hear her out? Please?" Elena gave Stefan a look and he stepped forward "alright, what do you know?" The lady gave a mock look "I'm Isobel by the way, Harleen" I narrowed my eyes "my name is Harley not Harleen got it?" She smirked "well alright then. Shall we?"

Joker's third person pov
"La dee da dee da" Joker smiled and then screams followed. "JOKER PLEASE, PLEASE I SWEAR I DIDN'T TOUCH HER I SWEAR!" Joker stalked towards the man. "So you're calling my honey a liar?" The man dropped his head crying from the pain "look at me" the man slowly raised his head and Joker sat on his lap.

"Joker please" he whispered pleadings slightly "ok I believe you, I do" the man smiled a bloody smile appreciatively "thank you Joker" Joker winked and stood up. "Oh wait I almost forgot" Joker started laughing and then a man dressed in black with sandy blonde hair approached the man in the chair "I've already promised you to someone. This is my very good friend you can call him Klaus". Joker turned around and started laughing even louder as gut wrenching screams started.

Harley's pov
"Since I was last here I've been doing everything possible to find Klaus" Klaus? Klaus? Why does that name sound familiar? Meet K! K! K could be Klaus! "Where you able to find Klaus" Isobel sighed "no, nobody knows where he is" my eyes shot up "I do!" Everyone turned to me "well I think I do". I reached into my bra and pulled out a one hundred dollar bill "he came to the grill I served him" "how do you know it was him?" Isobel said walking over to me.

I would never ever sell out Joker. I turned towards Elena "do you trust me?" She looked deep into my eyes "I do" I smiled and faced towards Stefan "keep my sister safe I've got the rest" I headed towards the door and someone grabbed my arm. I grabbed the person and flipped them over "you're strong for a human" I saw it was Isobel under me "don't ever touch me again. And you both can get the hell out of my house" I let her go and walked out the house.

I wasn't entirely sure how to contact Klaus but I do know I have a number. I pulled my phone out and called the number. After 4 rings it was picked up. "Harley glad to see you've called" "yeah, yeah I just need to know what exactly you freaks need from me" there was a long pause "hey lady are you still there?" There was another pause until another voice spoke up "hello love" "love? Listen what do you need from me?" "I need a body. Preferably human, preferably in the inner circle of Elena" I smiled.

"Alaric Saltzman! He's dating my aunt Jenna, Elena trusts him" "very good, do you know where he lives?" "No.... But he's usually getting drunk at the grill right now if you want to go find him" "excellent work my love. I'll be seeing you very soon" I smiled "thanks K".

After being gone all day dealing with who I believe is Klaus and running errands he said he'll pick me up later. "He knows you're not gonna run" I said walking through the Salvatore's door Elena looked up and once our eyes met she run into my arms. "Oh Harley I was so worried about you! Are you ok?" I smiled and nodded "K needed something from me" Stefan furrowed his brows "K?" I nodded "I believe K is Klaus. Anyways he needed a human I gave him one and he's picking me up tonight" Elena's eyes went wide.

"I'm not working with him Elena, however I do think Joker is that's how I got into the mix. Anyways I just wanted to make sure you were safe because I dunno how long I'll be gone if I ever return" Elena was crying throwing her arms around my body. "Oh Harley I just got you back please don't leave me again" I smiled into her neck and kissed her cheek. "I love you so much Elena. You'll tell Jeremy I love him?" She nodded. I gave Stefan a hug before I left heading towards Wickery bridge.

Once I made it two people walked out of the van "we're going to have to knock you out" my heart sped up and I fought the big guy first. Bigger guys are better to fight first. Another guy came over to me and beat him in the head with my bat. "Those were my best guys" I turned toward the British sounding voice prepared to swing my bat again. "Whoa whoa calm down".

I looked him in his eyes, they were blue. Then I noticed his blonde hair, his strong jawline "you're a handsome guy" he laughed "well aren't you up front" I furrowed my brows "I'm standing next to you" he laughed again this time it was a little louder. "Hop in little one" "little?" "Well you're pretty tiny and you took out my favorite big guys so" I smiled "One second".

I turned away from him and ripped a piece of the guy's shirt so I could clean my bat. "You're all clean again" I kissed my bat and hopped in the car next to the strange handsome man. "Move out" the car took off and noticed Alaric was sitting in the front seat knocked out. I smiled slightly before leaning into the seat.

We walked into the apartment and saw Elena on the floor.... No it was Katherine. I walked over to her and kicked her side but she didn't move. I sat on the couch and the man gave me a glass before a dark skinned woman came over to him. "You're home!" She hugged him but the name just stood there before petting her head. Another guy stood by a big box and opened the door "whoa are you a magician" the handsome man smiled at me "one could say that" he walked into the box and then stared at me "take care of my body yeah?" I looked him up and down and I felt my face flush um yeah yeah" I covered my face and then the box was shut. They dragged Alaric into a chair and then they started saying weird things. After about 10 minutes Katherine finally woke up.

"Hiya!" She jumped and then stood up just as Alaric stood up. Katherine groaned "Alaric?" He stalked towards her and she tried to run out only to be stopped by nothing. I watched the interaction confused "Zdravei, Katerina" Katherine's eyes went wide before Alaric cupped her face "I have missed you" I watched as Katherine's face never faltered but her eyes were screaming panic, fear, and sorrow. She was scared?

A/N; thank you all so much for the love on this story 💜 happy 20k

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