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Harley's pov
Elena's phone went off and i kicked her right in the back so she fell on the floor "hey, oww that was really mean" "I know" I turned over but came face to face with Bonnie. "Hello?" "ELENA!" the three of us shouted at her and she crawled out of the room.

I felt bad for trying to leave and even worse that Joker had minions waiting for me at the leaving Mystic Falls sign. I groaned and then I got up slightly tripping over Elena as she stuck her leg out. I narrowed my eyes at her and she laughed.

I went into the bathroom and got ready. I quickly brushed my teeth and cleaned my face before going back to Elena's room. Everyone was awake now getting dressed except for Elena who had a ditzy smile on her face as she threw some clothes in a bag. "Whatcha doin?" I said standing close behind Elena. She jumped slightly and then turned to face me "Harls what did we talk about personal space?".

I thought really really hard "personal space personal space... guys a little help?" must we do everything for you?! She can't help it if she's dumb "I said help me not bully me" Elena no longer gave me a weird face when I talked to myself so that was progress. OH I REMEMBER! Always stand about 2 feet away unless invited closer "oh yeah! Only get close if invited" Elena smiled "did I invite you?" I shook my head "so what are you going to do?" "Oh yeah" I took a step back and smiled at her.

"Alright Elena we're out of here" "bye guys" "bye harley" I waved to Bonnie and Caroline as they left before turning back to Elena. "So why are you packing?" "Because Stefan is taking me somewhere" "do I get to come?" She grabbed her bag and walked out so I followed her "well normally I would say yes but it's suppose to be a romantic weekend so" my face dropped "oh yeah I get it I get it".

Elena sighed "we'll call you ok? Also Jer will be here" "so will Uncle John" Elena looked around nervously "what's wrong Lenny?" She looked down and then Stefan walked in. "Harls there's something I've gotta tell you" "what's up?" "John isn't just our Uncle" Elena is weird. What she even talking about? "John is our dad" Stefan placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh my, oh my god John is our dad?!! Eww gross" Stefan laughed and then walked over to Elena grabbing her stuff "are you ready?" "Beyond ready! Harley John all be here soon so please just don't kill him alright?" I nodded once "ok Stef let's go before John gets here" I sighed.

I walked away and headed into the kitchen not looking forward to seeing John.


I walked down the stairs still sad that Elena left me and Jeremey was nowhere to be found. I went into the kitchen to see Jenna and John. "With Stefan?" "Yes with Stefan?" Stefan why were they talking about Stefan? "And who gave her permission for that?" "I did" "way to stand your ground Aunt Jenna!" She smiled at me and then turned back to John. "Until you get a lawyer, file for guardianship, it's my call and there's nothing you can do about it!"

I smiled proudly "I always knew you were lax with them! Hell look at Harley however I never would have dreamed you were negligent" I narrowed my eyes at him "listen here you little shit! Lenny wanted to get away from you because you're a creep! We hate you and as far as you being our dad we don't want you!" I knew I promised Elena but I was mad.

I cartwheeled over to him and choked him "get away from us! I'll kill you John! I'll kill you" "Harley Harley that's enough let him go!" Jenna was pulling at my arm and I let go. "Oh shut I did it again, I'm sorry John" Jenna held my hand "well I didn't say you had to apologize she laughed and John looked at me disgustedly.

"Harley I know you don't have anywhere to go but I'm gonna go stay with Ric and you can stay with Caroline or Bonnie they both said they'd love to have" I smiled and we both went to leave the kitchen "Yeha because Alaric is such a good guy yeah?" Jenna turned around and walked back over to him "you are on dangerous ground" "he's a liar Jenna" "can I beat him in the head with my bat?" "I wouldn't be opposed to it right now Harley" I smiled and pulled my bat out.

"Did he ever tell you? What happens to his wife?" "Yeha she died" "really? So they found her body?" "What are you saying?" "Why don't you ask Ric? I'd love to hear his answer" "that's enough out if you John" I swung my bat and cracked him straight in the head. He fell to the ground and I sighed. "I like Ric, who cares if he killed his wife she probably deserved it!"I kissed Jenna's cheek and went to go get dressed.

A/N: sorry this took so long I've really go no other excuse then I'm lazy 😭 thank you all for the reads tho I appreciate you so much 💜

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