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Harley's POV
We walked up the long and narrow stairs and I started wheezing "I did not wear the right outfit for this" Elena smiled at me and stuck her finger in one of my heart cuts "I think you look adorable" I kissed her cheek and the Rose girl knocked on the door "Slater it's Rose!" Rose gave us a 'he's not here' look "move it vampy" I swung my bat over my shoulder and then with all my might kicked the door so it opened. "Hmm after you" Rose rolled her eyes "I could have done that too" Elena and Rose walked in first and I followed after them.

"Slater?!" I looked around and found a half drunken glass of alcohol "dont mind if I do" I picked it up and drank it all "I don't think he's gonna be much help" I heard Elena running is I followed. "Cool a dead guy!" I walked over to the body and poked his cheek "you're cute" I lifted him up and used my manly voice "hey Elena what can I do for you?" "Harley stop it" I started laughed and I dropped him. "So now what do we do?" Elena walked away and I went to the couch to drink some more.

"Looks like however blew up the coffee shop found him and killed him for his information" I placed my feet on the coffee table and accidentally knocked over a vase "shit" Elena looked at me and I smiled "that, that wasn't me that was here already" she rolled her eyes and went back to help Rose.

"I'm sorry about slater" "any luck?" "Umm it's password protected I can't get in" Rose sighed "then this is pointless let's just go" I stood up and dropped the alcohol bottle causing them to look at me "I suppose this is where I'm useful"
I walked over to them and sat in the chair. "Harley don't" "quiet Elena I'm a certified criminal" I looked up so our eyes met "a really really good one too" I winked at her and then went to work on the computer.

There was some noise and Rose went to check it out and I continued on my work not bothered my her "I'm in!" "Alice?" "Rose!" I heard crying and I covered my ears "oh please will you shut up!" "My boyfriend was murdered" "yeah yeah don't cry about it suck it up people die everyday! Hey I'm pretty sure a half the voices in my head are from dead people" everyone looked at me like I was crazy "hey I'm not crazy" I lowered my voice "but the voice in my head are" I started laughed and Elena turned back towards the computer.

"Kristen Stewart, god was he obvious" "I like Kristen she was a good Bella" everyone ignored me and the Alice girl continued searching "these are all links to vampires?" "Slater was obsessed, almost as much as me" "what about that one? Cody Webber" I felt excited "oh my god are we going to met a guy who has webs!" Rose looked at me before turning to Elena "she has a PHD" I pointed my bat at her and narrowed my eyes "watch yourself vampy".

"Tell him that we're trying to send a message to Klaus. The doppelgänger is alive" "Klaus? What kind of name is Klaus? You guys are really scared of Santa? And they call me crazy" you're not crazy Harley! "I know I'm not crazy you idiots!" "Also tell him that she's ready to surrender" "WHAT?!".

I jumped slightly "oh my gif I knew I recognized you!" "Get him the message please" Elena walked off and I shrugged "she's are weird" I continued on drinking while we waited for... we'll whatever it was that we were waiting for.

Elena stood by the window when all of a sudden a guy appeared "AHH!" I swung my bat hard breaking the glass I heard screaming and saw Rose on fire "STOP DROP
AND ROLL!" I yelled at her and Elena closed the curtains "why on earth would you do that?!" "I saw a creep in the window". "Harley please just go away" I rolled my eyes "don't be a bitch Elena" I went to the couch and we waited some more.


It was now dark out and I was half awake half asleep on the couch when I heard Elena get scared. I followed the sound of voice (outside of my head) and saw that black haired guy from the other day. "Come on where leaving" I watched the two of them my bat carefully swung over my shoulder. "No!" I smiled happy Elena was sticking up for herself "I said we're leaving" I didn't like this guys one bit.

"I'm not going with you" "you do not get to make decisions anymore!" "When have I ever made a decision? You and Stefan do that for me! Now this, this is my decision" "who's going to save your life while you're out making decisions?" He sounded cocky as if she needed him.

"Me of course" he turned and faced me before turning back to Elena "really? The clown?! Get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself" Elena stood tall and I was proud of her.

He put her hands on her and I narrowed my eyes "ok" I swung my bat and it hit his head with a satisfying crack. He fell the the ground as blood dripped out of his head "is he dead?" Rose walked in and sighed "not for long" I smiled "I had it Harley" I winked at her "I know but he was hurting you and I'm the only one whose allowed t do that" she smiled and hugged me "layna are you gonna die?" She squeezed me "no no I'm not gonna die. We'll be ok, I'll be ok". I kissed her head "you better be kid! I just got you back".

The doors flew open just as the guy woke up "we're here to meet the doppelgänger" "thank you for coming" Elena went to walk forward but the guy grabbed her roughly "I will break your arm" I swung my bat "if you lay on more and I mean one more finger on my sister I will plunge my bat right through your heart! I will kill you and not think twice about it, now let got of her arm!" He let go and I pulled Elena away from him.

"There nothing here for you" I guy dropped and the guy in the window from earlier stood behind him holding a heart. I smiled and ran over to him "wow that was awesome! You've gotta teach me that trick" Rose ran out scaredly and I smiled as I followed him to Elena. "I killed you! You were dead" I poked the guy's cheek "he feels alive to me" "who are you?" "Who are you?" The two guys who came in replied "I'm Elijah" they looked scared.

"We we're going to bring her to you! For Klaus, she's the doppelgänger! I don't know how she exists but she does! Klaus will want to see her" "does anyone else know that you're here?" "No" "well then you have been incredibly helpful"the Elijah guy killed them by taking their hearts. Elena was scared and Damon was confused.

"AWESOME!" Elijah turned to me "who are you" I smiled big and gave him my hand "Harley Quinn nice to meet cha!" "Blood" I rolled my eyes "we all have bloody hands time to time" he raised his brows but shook my hand before leaving. "Gee I like that guy!" "Get some help clown" I smiled at him "I'll get help once you learn how to treat woman, come one Elena" I grabbed her hand and we walked away with him following after us.


As I was walking in the house Damn snatched Elena "what did today was incredibly stupid" I swung my bat and broke his arm "goodnight" I kissed his bicep and grabbed Elena before running in the house. "Harley he's a vampire and it's only a matter of time before he hurts you back and when he does that I can't save you" "don't worry I don't need saving" "Elena, Harley?" "JER!" I ran to him and he hugged me.

"I have bad news" "Jeremy what is it?" "It's Stefan he's trapped" Elena looked scared and she turned around and ran out the house. "Where's she going?" "To the love of her life" "the Stefan kid? I like him, I'm going to!" I kissed Jeremy's cheek before running after Elena only to find that she wasn't anywhere in sight "damn it"

A/N: tvd is getttig taken off of Netflix on the 3rd 😭 I'm sad

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