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Harley's POV
I heard voices well I heard voices from downstairs and not in my head this time. I walked into the kitchen to see my little sister and her boyfriend with some other dude. "You don't believe her, do you?" I walked into the kitchen all the way. "Whoa Elena who's the chick?" The boy with dark hair eyed me up and down. Elena turned to me and screamed before jumping in front of me "look away Damon" the boy named Damon winked at me and I winked back.

"What's a moonstone? Are we planning on stealing the moon?! Ooo I've always wanted to do that!" Elena gave me a weird look "no Harley the moonstone is required for the whatever it's called" I furrowed my brows and looked between the three of them. "From Matt to two boyfriends I'm proud of you" I kissed Elena's cheek and turned around "I want a drink I'm gonna go get dressed".

I walked up the stairs and headed straight to my room. "Harley?" Elena walked into my room and shut the door "sorry I should have reminded you but I'm not used to having to tell other people about this kind of stuff. I'm not sure I should even tell you but Katherine knew you" I walked over to my suitcase.

I pulled out a red cropped tank top and some blue flare jeans that had red hearts cut into them. I put them on before grabbing my red boots that I had drawn all on. "Harley? How does Katherine know you?" "I dunno! Everyone knows me I'm kinda infamous" Elena squinted her eyes at me and I grabbed my Puddin choker.

"Why do you always wear that?" I looked over at my younger sister boredly "why do you always ask so many questions" she raised her eyebrows at me "that's fair. Would you like to come with me?" I walked over to my vanity and stared at my hair. "Sure where?" Why do you trust her? "She's my sister" yeah but she's the reason we got sent away remember! I say we should kill her! "I am not going to kill my sister!" Elena looked at me weirdly.

"Sorry it's the voices" I pointed at my head and laughed to which Elena responded with a fake nervous laugh. I pulled my pulled my ponytail holders out and smiled letting my hair down. "Wow I can't believe you're letting you're hair down" I winked at my sister "yeha well here's to change! Let's go!" I grabbed Elena's hand and we left.

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Elena and I walked into a creepy mansion "it's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning" I saw a girl with short hair coming towards us in a robe. "We'll I dunno who you were expecting but I would never leave you alone naked" Elena slapped my arm and the girl looked confused "sorry I thought you were..." she didn't finish not that it bothered me mostly because I was confused about a lot that was happening around here.

"There's no one else here" I actually we came to talk to you" the girl gave me a weird look "who are you?" I smiled and gave her my hand "Harley Quinn nice to meet cha!" She took my hand she actually shook my hand! "Careful I might just fall in love with you" I walked off and heard Elena sigh "sorry she doesn't have a grasp of reality anymore... or boundaries or a filter anyways! I'm here for you" "we'll let me just go get dressed" I smiled "or we could get undressed" I went to unbutton my pants and Elena covered her eyes "no no Harley stop!"

"Right! That would be weird I suppose I can wait till Elena leaves" "ugh right" the girl with short hair walked off leaving Elena and I alone. "Harley could try to at least pretend to be normal?!" I was honestly kind of hurt but playing off my pain was basically a specialty. I felt my phone ring and I smiled widely "I'll be outside!" Elena watched me leave but didn't object.

"I'm sorry sweets" I smiled at the dumb nickname "I forgive you only because I really miss you, speaking of when are you coming to get me?" Joker sighed "I dunno Honey, things are a bit... well hectic over here" I rolled my eyes "yeah well whatever it is we'll face it together like always! We're Joker and Harley" he chuckled "I miss you pooh but it's still to dangerous" I felt my eyes prick "dangerous is my middle name" "I thought fun was your middle name?" He said mockingly.

"J I miss you and I want to come home! Mystic Falls is ok but I want to go back to Gotham please" "Harley don't be dumb" I could practically feel my blood boil "I have a fucking PHD! I'm smarter than you think I am J!" "Harleen has a PHD, Harley just has brain damage" my heart sank. It's like he only calls you to insult you! Leave him! We don't need him! You're better off! "We'll guess what J? Harley might have a broken brain but Harley can say this, I'm done" I hung up the phone and started crying. I think you should give him another chance Harls! "No! No I'm done giving J chances! I'm my own person and I'll be damned if I stay with someone who thinks I'm broken" good for you! This is a bad idea! You're doing great honey!

"They're willing to risk everyone that I love and I'm not!" "They're just trying to protect you" I sat next to Elena and smiled "she doesn't need their protection, she has me! Who's protecting you?" "Stefan and Damon" I smiled "well I just told Joker that I don't need him so you should do the same! We Gilbert women don't need a man! Well besides mom".

The short haired girl eyed me weirdly "look even if I did take you to Slater what do you hope to achieve out of this?" The girl sat in front of Elena and I watched their interaction picking it apart. "How would you like to be able to walk during the daylight?" "Can't we all?" I asked "Rose is a vampire Harley" it all clicked in my mind. "Makes sense".

The girl Rose sighed "I've been a slave to the shadows for over 500 years what do you think?" I touched the Rose's face "wow you're old lady" she grabbed my wrist "don't touch me" she went to break my wrist but I spun my wrist out of her grasp and broke hers instead.

"How did you— "help my crazy sister with whatever she needs your help! Do it or else I'll kill you" she gave me a look "fine but about that ring?" Elena smiled at me "we'll get you that ring, promise" "then you have a deal".

A/N: Harley's outfit is above☝🏾

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