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A/N: Before we start this story I would just like to say thank you all so much for 7k reads <3 when I first started this story it was flopping and I even contemplated deleting it so it means the world to me that you all love it 🥰 anyways back to the story 💁🏾‍♀️✨

Harley's POV
I fixed my lab coat and felt a presence coming towards me. I took a deep breath and turned around "oh hello Ms. Quinn" I smiled at my student... umm umm— Her name is Julie! "Hi Julie!" "Hi I was just wondering about something" I gave her a big smile "yeah sure ask away" ask away is a thing right? Yeah you're good don't worry! Ok cool.

"How did you do it? I mean you're an inspiration to girls all over the world! You totally kickassed in the field and you graduated at 14 you have 2 PHDs I mean you totally dominated in a male dominated field! I love you" she quickly covered her mouth and I laughed. I've never had anyone fangirl over me like this. It's nice.

"Well can I give you advice?" She smiled and nodded quickly "keep your head up, say no to boys, I know sad but trust me, and most importantly never and I mean NEVER say I can't or let anyone else tell you, you can't" she groaned "did you just read that off a postcard? Ms. Quinn no disrespect I just need to know truth not a card reading".

I looked Julie in the eyes and sighed slowly. "Ok you wanna know the truth? Fuck all of that, no one is going to help you or even care about you! You have to know what you want and then go for it. If you have to push an old lady in the road to climb to success you do and have no regrets, got it?" She smiled at me and opened her mouth.

"That made no sense but I also understood that" I smiled at her and then punched her in the room playfully "yeah you're a pretty smart girl Julie" she blushed and then wrapped her arms around me. I froze up and then I saw Elena. She gave me a soft smile and then I wrapped my arms around Julie returning the hug. "You we're always my favorite Gilbert" Julie finally walked away as Elena met up with me. "I'm going to choose to ignore that because it's Girls Night, wanna join?"

I smiled and then walked off "can I take this wig and makeup off?" I heard Elena follow me and she sighed "yes Harls we love the pale skin and pale hair" I turned slightly and then kissed her cheek. "Hey do you ladies need a ride?" We looked over to see Stefan's red car "why yes we do handsome stranger" Elena replied flirtatiously to which I rolled my eyes at before getting in the car.

"Guess what Steffy" I said leaning into him as he drove off "what's up Harley?" "I get to go to girls night as Harley Quinn and not Harleen" he laughed slightly "well I'm happy for you. Anyways I'm gonna drop you off at your house and then I've gotta help Damon with the research and with Katherine" I furrowed my brows "Katherine?" That's Elena 2.0 "oh ok right"


"Chinese food or pizza?" I didn't respond to Caroline and I noticed neither did Bonnie "like you even have to ask" Elena said for the both of us. Caroline smiled and reached for the tablet "I will get it" I was leaned over the sink staring out the window ignoring them "I'll do it" Bonnie's soft voice finally spoke up. "Do you believe that Jonas is being sincere?" I finally turned around and joined them at the island.

"Depends, who is Jonas?" Elena held up a finger which annoyed me but I'm learning to control my anger. You're doing great! Well at least Elena thinks you're doing great! Harley don't you think it's wrong to lie to her? She just wants the best for you! "Will all of you just shut up?" And just like that my head was quiet again and I rejoined in the conversation.

"What about the Notebook?" I groaned "no let's watch something action-y" Caroline narrowed her eyes at me "aren't you like in your 20s? Go make you're own friends" I walked over to Caroline and whispered in her ear "I have lots of friends just none that are appropriate for a sleepover" I started giggling and Elena grabbed my hand "alright crazy girl how about we practice personal boundaries" I rolled my eyes "please I've known Caroline since she was in diapers we don't have personal space" Caroline grinned at me and walked over to sit on my lap.

Elena laughed and then Jenna walked in. "What's going on?" I had my arms wrapped around Caroline's waist so I just smiled at Aunt Jenna rather than waving like I usually do. "Girls night" Elena responded "oh" I analyzed Jenna. Her eyes were blank, eyebrows pushed down and there was no color in her cheeks. She was sad. "What's wrong Aunt Jenna?" She sighed deeply "Ric and I got into a fight" "I'll bash his head in" Caroline slapped my hands that were still holding her and I giggled into her hair.

"Guys why don't we invite Aunt Jenna?" Elena smiled at me and Caroline hopped off my lap gleefully "yeah I mean I am great at successful relationships" "you too?" Caroline nodded "well alright then". Aunt Jenna walked over to the fridge and grabbed the wine "it's this whole Isobel thing! He's hiding something from me!" I saw the three girls eyes shift nervously "umm to play devils advocate maybe there's a good reason he's not telling you? Maybe he's protecting you" Caroline said.

Aunt Jenna groaned "well that's not he's call to make! I deserve the truth everyone does" Caroline sighed and I watched as her features dropped, she was sad "sometimes it's harder than that" "not if it's somebody you care about it isn't" Jenna said. There was a long awkward pause before Caroline's face lifted back up "you know what we need? Dancing! There's a band at the grill tonight" everyone smiled "I'm in" Bonnie said almost immediately "in" "in!" Elena looked over at me.

"Harleen Gilbert turning down a party? Now that doesn't sound like you" I smiled and rolled my eyes "alright, alright I'm in".


As soon as we walked into the grill I ran to the bar. I didn't really want to drink I wanted to play bartender. I ran behind the counter "Harley you ca— "Matt shut up I want to do it" he rolled his eyes and then walked away.

I've been bartending for about 15 minutes when I heard Caroline starting to sing. I laughed "she's good" I looked over to my right to see a guy with dirty blonde hair. "Eh she's alright I guess" I laughed again and then poured a margarita before climbing over the bar. "I didn't pay you" the British man said and I smiled at him "I don't work here" he stood up and looked down at me.

"You we're nice to me all night you deserve it not these idiots" he slipped something in my bra "I'll see you around Love" I dug in my bra and pulled out a one hundred "aww sweet" Elena walked up to "where have you been" I showed her my money "looky looky" she laughed "come on".

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