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moans filling the room, sweat glistening off bodies, and hours filled with pleasure. 

thats how antonios nights were filled with, trying to get antheia out of his thoughts. lets just say it was harder than he had thought it would be. he thought one fuck would get rid of any thoughts that had been flooding his entire mind of the little vixen and her tight training clothes she had on the other day sparring. 

always having the image of her chest heaving from the deep breathes shed take after sparring with his brother, the sweat rolling down into the valley of her breasts, all of her curves being shown off with the leggings shed had on. its safe to say the feared mafia lord has gotten his head plagued by a 5'0 bold vixen.

 is it making him feel angered? yes. why? because no one has ever gotten to him like this and it could be the most dangerous thing that has came into his life, which seems ridiculous since he is literally a mafia leader. a girl becoming his one weakness hes ever had? anyone would find that absurd but as his mind travels back to that image of her, he cant help but want to be weakened by the little hellfire.

there is weakness in having your mind preoccupied by such a thing as a woman, even if it is just lust and attraction he feels for her. lust is a distraction. you can not ever be distracted when you are in the kind of life he lives, he learned of that with many examples of his past men. past. not men meaning now, but past men because they had other things such as women in mind and it had cost them their lives whether that meaning they are now dead or just alive with no longer purpose. 

as for antheia, well it was the same in a sense. after antheia beat his brothers ass in sparring antonio and nickolas began their own sparring session which was obviously more aggressive than hers and his was. you see of course antheia was in a trance as she watched the man move his muscles to throw punches and block, but the real moment was when he had taken his shirt off so his full physique was on show to her. back muscles, strong abs, tanned skin, and sweat dripping down his hard chest. it was no surprise antheia felt her knees get weak while full on checking out the man. 

ever since that day she has had daydreams of antonio being in that state but for other more sexual reasons. unlike antonio, antheia used dj and nico as a distraction from the overwhelming thoughts and feelings between her legs. they sat upon nickolas' couch gossiping about dj's fling he had with the girl that had a weird problem with antheia. 

obviously dj chose his BESTFRIEND over the bitch.

"you know i always want you to be happy, as well as find love dj. i just knew she was not the one to be able to give you that." antheia says. 

she knew he wasnt upset about the girl herself but the fact that another 'relationship' of his fell through. her best friend seeks love while she seeks some meaningless fun. dj has his fun with one night stands and maybe the rare friends with benefits but even while he enjoys the fast life he still tries to find the right girl for him, with no luck unfortunately for him. 

it saddens antheia, knowing her bestfriend feels like he wont find someone to have a mutual love connection with like he longs for. she is sure he will find the right one soon but seeing the process and doubts from him about it all is always a tough feeling. he deserves the very best in life and if that is falling in love then she just keeps high hopes for it to happen soon so he doesnt have to feel any negative way anymore, she loves her bestfriend and will always support him. 

" are you ever going to make a move on that sexy beast?" dj asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"who?" antheia asks, dj thinks anyone is sexy for anthiea. always trying to get her into a relationship .

"ya know, the scary big broody man that never takes his eyes off of you bitch!" dj exclaims.    


dj's head nods fast while he grins suggestively.

"no way, i cant stand him and his big ego." antheia shakes her head saying.

antheia hears a laugh from behind her and freezes. its a mans laugh, one that she recognizes as the owner of the house they are lounging in. nickolas is covering his mouth trying to stop laughing when she turns to see him and antonio standing at the archway . antonios face is passive but she swears she sees amusement swirling in his pupils. 

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