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antonio smirks seeing a side of the little vixen he knew was hiding inside of her. he wasnt sure if this was just his imagination but he thought he saw a glimmer in her eyes like she wanted him to torture and kill the man. his whole facial expression hardened and he walks over to the man. twirling the knife between his fingers, he revels in the man begging for his life. 

"where is my money, mr.lovato?" he questions. he rips the fabric out of the mans mouth and points the knife straight at his neck. looking up he sees antheia watching him with intense eyes, it messes with his thoughts but he keeps control. 

" i dont know! p-please! i have a family" mr.lovato sobs.

" i dont quite like that answer, do you doll?" askings while he turns quickly around to look at antheia. she shakes her head and bites her lip. getting annoyed with his head being overrun with thoughts from her biting her lip he needs a distraction so he turns around and runs the blade deeps into the mans throat at a quick slash. normally he would take his time with it, going at torturing and slowly killing them, but she was messing with his mind which he didnt like. 

" get nicholas to track my money." wiping his knife off with a cloth, he orders his men. 

seeing him bloodied , antheia felt herself get wet. he noticed her gazing at him obviously checking him out and fasinated by the sight of him. finding her words finally, antheia asks with a smirk on her pretty face,

 " wanna match?" she holds out a knife to him.

 the little vixen had swiped his knife from him with him being oblivious. he was impressed, could even say proud of his girl. grabbing her hand that held the knife, the bloodied man smirked and moved their hands toward her exposed lace bralette. cutting the middle of the bralette without breaking eye contact. the pairs eyes glazed over in lust and desire for one another. its like theres a pull between them when they keep eye contact knowing the other is feeling what they are.

 "havent even touch you yet youre practically on the edge, pretty love." he whispers seductivley still having a hold on her hand with the knife.

 her already heavy breathes turn eratic as she looks at the knife she didnt notice he was tracing down her stomach. at her hip he knicks a tiny cut just enough to draw blood. she feels pleasure mixed with a stinging pain from it. he sees how she reacts and smiles a satisfied smirk. theres a knock on the door interrupting the two. 

antheia shakes her head stepping back as if the knocked had snapped her out of a trance. they hear nicholas tell the guard outside that he was looking for antheia. realizing what just happened, antheia quickly steps out to go to nicholas. antonio stands there thinking of what had just happened. maybe the little vixen had a crazier side than she lets on. and he knew he wanted to be the one to bring it out.


later on that night antheia is home in her bed, she couldnt stop thinking about her encounter with antonio. she keeps trying to tell herself that he is a dark man but that only pulls her more in. its like he put her under a spell in that room, she felt confident and she didnt even pay attention to the man as if it didnt bother him his life would end. whatever antonio is doing to her needs to stop, she decides. antheia picks up her phone to see a message from nicholas,

the hot brother ;)

hey A! was thinking we could hangout again tomorrow? 

laughing and rolling her eyes at the dumb name he put himself as in her phone earlier, she knows that she wanted to keep her distance from antonio so she tells him that they should do it at her place and she just says they never do anything at hers when he asks why at hers. 

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