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antheia has been on my mind non-stop. i hate it. im supposed to be a ruthless mafia lord and here I am thinking of some random girls voice. i want to hear it as she cries while i fuck her rough. so to stop those thoughts ive come to one of the many clubs I own to let alcohol drown them.

4 shots in and one of the many women checking me out makes her way over. she's bold, not many people would simply walk up to me like she has. one of my guards stands up to tell her to fuck off like he's supposed to do but I wave him off letting him know im fine with it. i want to have some fun tonight.

"hey handsome." she purrs.

she sits in my laps and runs her hands down my chest to the waistband of my pants.

"wanna go to the back?" I ask, tilting my head to signal the back rooms.

we have back rooms for our men to have some fun with women sometimes, we don't bring women home very often except my brother who has loads of girls trailing behind him almost every night. we do it for safety purposes of course, we can't have our many enemies finding out our location and trying stupid shit.

she nods yes so I take her off my lap, knowing she'll follow me I walk to my reserved room.

i walk out of the room leaving behind the woman who is still laying breathless on the bed. i told her it was a one time thing and if she tried to come back for more that there's no chance so don't try. ive learned women get very clingy over sex after the first time i give it to them so i don't have any regular hookups. just random women I think could be a quick fun night and then leave. she agreed with me of not coming back to me, which is good so I don't have to waste breathe threatening her.

even after i got pussy, the little vixen still is circling around my mind. i groan and take a few more shots before I see one of the men i do business with.

i walk over and slap his back then hold the back of his neck but still keep a forced grin on my face.

" mr.vinty, what a pleasant surprise to see you here." I say.

"ah! mr.romonza, didn't know you would be here tonight. good to see you old friend!" he exclaims.

"well I didn't know you would be here, at my club, either." I reply.

"now don't go getting all defensive over a club antonio, I had a client wanting to meet and he chose here." he says, knowing I don't like his presence in my club.

this is my territory. whenever other people in my line of business come to my clubs, it's always become I want them here. i didn't know he would be here so in that case, I don't want him here.

feeling irritated by the lack of information ive been given of this meet up, I clench my jaw and tighten my grip on his neck.

"when there are deals happening in my clubs, i am to be informed." i state in a stern voice.

" it's just some coke Antonio, calm down!" he replies still smiling. so he thinks im not angry of this?

"no. i didn't approve so i want this deal out of my club." I say.

"come on Antonio. lighten up" he says back.

i grip his arm and drag him to the entrance. i push him out the door and slam it walking to get another drink. i gave him mercy only with the reason of him being a valuable business partner.

im in conversation with one of the guards in the office about security when ironically the security alarms go off, alerting there's a problem downstairs.

i grab my gun from off my desk and run down to check it out. the security team is already evacuating everyone out of the back exit for their safety.

when I look to where people are running from, i see mr.vinty holding a girl hostage with a gun pointed to her head. i can't make out her face but I can tell she is crying from the movement of her shoulders.

"you get me my money you just made me lose or i shoot her!" he yells.

he's always been impulsive but I never expected him acting out like this. he's a fucking 40 year old man throwing a tantrum about a small business deal.

"let the girl go vinty." I state in a calm but stern tone.

the girl lifts her head up and that's when I can see her face clearly. i tense when i notice it's the little vixen that's been haunting my thoughts. i can tell she's shocked yet somewhat scared. she doesn't seem scared of the gun. i also notice she isn't crying because she's being held at gun point but because a girl is dead on the floor beside them, i assume she was a friend of hers.

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