Episode 21 (2/2)

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Previously On 'Our Life'...

"No, Messiah didn't send us. He doesn't even know that we're here." I scoff. "So you're here for fucking pity? Well, I don't need it." Ryan sighs. "Latty I understand that you don't need pity but you need to get back to your old self. I don't like this side of you." "Oh, you don't?" He shakes his head. "Well, I don't give a fuck about what you don't like."

I slowly grab the envelope and open it. As soon as I see it, my eyes get teary-eyed. Ryan's pregnant?

"Bae, you know it's okay right?" He sighs looking out the window. "Yeah, I know." I put my hand on his thigh driving back to our house. "Stop!" I look at him confused. "Huh?" "Stop!" I look back at the road and see a couple walking on the street. I abruptly stopped the car. "You okay?"

"Finally we got you. We've been waiting on you two." What the fuck are they talking bout? "Baby go in the car and get my gun." I don't hear him going back to the car so I look to the side seeing a big ass giant man grabbing him. "Shit," I say trying to run to Ryan's aid but 2 strong-ass men grab me and place a cloth on my nose.

"Well, this isn't your daddy." "Why do you have my daddy's phone? And where is he?" King overhears her question and runs upstairs already knowing who it is. Angrily, he presses the contact. "You said that you weren't gonna hurt my family. You lied to me." The lady on the other end smiles. "Now honey, you fell into my trap. You were so blind that you didn't see that I wanted your family. Now be a good little boy and grab your sister. I'll be waiting for you."

"Okay, when I got kidnapped, this lady threatened me to get close to Anthony and see what he was doing. I had to do it, it was either my family or him. So I did, but I couldn't do it. So I avoided him, and then they met up with me again and she has a son! She and her son have our parents Loren."

"B-But how do you know that?!" King sighs dragging her out of the house. "Because I have her number. She wants us to come to her."

"And what if we don't?" King looks at his big sister and sees that she's drained out of energy. "Then she'll kill them..."


King POV

"So come on, we have to go and get Uncle Messiah. He'll know what to do." Crap, I forgot he doesn't live with Auntie Latty anymore. "I can try and get Xia on the phone." I shake my head.

"No new people. We can't bring her into danger and then have her mother hate us." She nods agreeing with me. "How about I call Derek and he can get Uncle Messiah for us?" I look at her. "Do you think that will work?" She shrugs. "Let's hope it does." She gets out her phone and calls Derek. I sigh looking around. I halt in my movements noticing a man look at us a certain way. I slowly tap Loren so it won't make it seem like I notice him.

"Loren." She moves away and I tap her again. This time she hits me back and looks at me. "What?!" I grab her phone seeing that Derek is on the phone. "Derek, Loren's location is on. Just follow us." I hang up and look at her. "What?"

"Loren a man is looking at us right now." Before she goes to look around I grab her face keeping her eyes on me. "Don't look around. He doesn't know that we notice him. So on three, when I say run, you run. But just make sure you follow behind me okay?"

She nods. "King, I'm scared." I hug her tightly rubbing her back. "Keep your eyes closed. Pretend that we're just hugging casually. I know that you are scared. I'm scared too but I'm gonna be strong for you. Whatever happens, just know that I love you, Loren." She pulls away with tears running down her face.

"What are you saying? Ain't nothing finna happen to you. I won't let it. I love you too baby brother." I nod wiping her tears so she can be able to see when we run. "Okay, are you ready?"

"Yeah. It's a good thing, I ran track." I nod agreeing with her. Dad made us learn how to run track so that if we need to escape danger, we can outrun them. But now's not the point to be thinking about this. "Okay. One... Two... Three... Run." We run at the same time and then we hear him running behind us.

"Don't look back, Loren! Just keep running." We hear gunshots going off and we turn the corner and then suddenly Loren falls. I look behind me and see him still trying to catch up. She creams holding her leg. "Fuck," I go to her seeing blood drip on the concrete. "Fuck, did you get shot, Loren?" 

She nods waving me off. "Just go, King. Go save our parents." I shake my head ignoring her, lifting her. "Don't speak such nonsense. I ain't gone never leave you." Good thing, I know how to run with things weighing on my body. "Aye kid, you betta hope I don't catch you. Cause if I do you and your bitch of a sister is dead," He says and I sigh and continue to run until I hear a whistle. 

I look to the side seeing Uncle Messiah and Derek pulling up. "Shit, hurry and get in." I run to the car and I put Loren in the backseat with the help of Derek. I get in after I help Loren and Derek. Uncle Messiah starts the car and we drive off leaving the man in a pile of dust. Out of breath, I look at Derek and Uncle Messiah. "Who the fuck was that and why was he chasing you guys?"

"D-daddy and d-dad g-got kidnapped. I-I need you to take us to the lady who got them." Uncle Messiah shakes his head. "Nah, Lolo needs to go to the hospital." 

In anger, I snap at Uncle Messiah. "Look, I care about Loren's leg too, but I'm tryna get our parents back. Now can you take us or not?!" Sighing, he gives in and nods. "I'm coming in with ya'll too." I nod. "Me too."

"Where she want ya'll to meet?"

"Her house where she has them." I give him the address and he goes on from there. We're coming, Daddy and Dad. Just hold on.

Ryan POV

I slowly wake up holding my head at the headache. Where am I? All the events come back to me, and I look around to find Trey. "Trey?" I sigh standing up, and trying to walk to the door, but something on my ankle stops me. I look down seeing chains on my ankle. "Crap," I sit back down hearing voices and I make sure to lay how I was when I woke up.

The door opens and I close my eyes. "Yeah and then I told her that I can't come today and then she got mad at me." They chuckle and then it stops. "Hey, have you ever fucked a guy before?" I gulp nervously.

"No, I haven't. But we can try." I feel them come closer and I grab their heads smashing them together. I feel the vomit coming up my throat at the smell of the blood. Shaking off the nauseous feeling, I go through their pockets feeling for the keys. Maybe these keys are to the chains.

I grab the keys, trying them one by one. Finally, after the 4th try, the chains opened. I hurry and stand up limping to the door. I slowly open it poking my head. Seeing that I'm in the clear, I limp down the hall. As I turn the corner, I see Trey tied up in the middle of the room. "Trey." I limp faster to him. "T-Trey."

I hold onto his bloody face. Tears welling up in my eyes, I tap his cheek. "T-Trey, w-wake up." Suddenly, I hear a gun click and I stop my movements. "If you move, he gets it." I exhale a breath lowly. Fuck.

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