All Against One Or One Against All?

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After several weeks of training, it was finally time for the challenges that pitted not only class A against class B but every student against each other.

Cumulus: You've all come far since you first arrived. It's now time to put your skills to the test!

Cumulus: Your goal is to bring Dan Derrickson back to the camp.

Cumulus: You may do this on your own. With a friend, as a team, as a whole class, or all of you together.

Cumulus: However, be aware there is a prize for bringing him back.

Cumulus: A prize that will be divided between everyone who worked together to bring him here.

Cumulus: As I go to inform Daniel himself. You may discuss how you'll proceed.

Cumulus: Once you hear thunder, it begins. And will not end unit Daniel is in the camp.

Hugo: Daniel...? I thought it was Dan...?

Cumulus flies off.



Breaking out of the coconut-healing cacoon Sapphire placed him in to heal him up, Yn prepares for another session of training.

Cumulus: How has your training gone?

Yn: Hm? Oh, Cloud geezer.

Yn: Is it time?

Cumulus: The two classes are going to try and "rescue" you. So hide-

Yn: Nah.


Yn: I haven't been training these past few weeks, just to hide... I'm going to kick all their assess!

Yn: That's right... Villain arc!

Yn: I'm going to be a bad mother trucker, and beat them all up.

Yn: Then you!

Cumulus:..... Bahahaha!

Cumulus:(shrugs) Alright. Go ahead.

Cumulus: If you want to face off against forty opponents. Go ahead.

Yn: Don't underestimate me, cloud geezer!


He rips off his sleeves and turns his pants into shorts, so he can use the extra fabrication for a Rambo bandana and wraps his knuckles for the upcoming fights.

Yn: I've not only surpassed you! But every foe I've ever fought!

Yn: Jetman, that blond blood chick!

Yn: I could now beat them all with 1 attack!

Cumulus: We'll see about that.


Cumulus: It's begun.

Yn: Let's do this!

(Opening Theme)

Everyone from the camp divided themselves into their teams and raced off in search of Yn.

Quint, the winged B-class student, went out on his own. He was the fastest flyer, thus he believed he could get Yn before anyone else.

Quint:(mind) That reward is as good as mine-



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