The field trip

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3rd person POV:


Class 1A:!?

Rick: Class! I have good news for you all.

Darcy: And what might that be?

Rick: I managed to secure a time for the...(takes out note) "The multi situational..."-

Rick: It's an exciting place where you all can practice hero-ing in different disaster situations!

Rick: Earthquakes, fires, tundras, sea you name it.

Rick: Ain't that great?

Jake: Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Kate: When are we going?

Rick: After lunch.

Rica: So suddenly?

Rick: Yeah, the fourth years are currently in season of using it daily so this is currently the best I can do.

Rick: By the way... I kinda forgot that you all need to assign a class representative.

Rick: I'll let all of you decide who that'll be.

Cathy: Pfft, who'd want to be that?

Rick: Well... The class representative gets an extra hundred dollars to their study allowance if they file to get one.

Class 1A:.....

Class 1A:(mind) Gotta get that roll.

Rick: Any questions? No? Well, you all have a free period for deciding on the class representative.

Rick: After lunch, I'll see you all in front of the school in your gym uniform.

Rick: If you all haven't decided who the class representative should be, I'll decide for you.

Rick: Have fun and no fighting.

Fred: Just physically?

Rick:.... In every way.

Fred: I see.

Rick:... Okay. I've got a mountain of paperwork to finish. Call me if you need anything.

(Opening theme)

Darcy: Alright. Let's keep this civil.

Darcy: Everyone gets a vote. No one is allowed to vote for themselves.

Darcy: Would anyone like to add to why they should be the class representative?

Yn: Of course!

Jumping out from his seat, Yn saunters over to the front of the class, holding onto his imaginary suspenders.

Yn:(tycoon accent) Class 1A, do you know what a hundred dollars can get you?

Yn: Stocks! The cha-ching, sweet green, some Abraham's. You get what I'm saying.

Rica: Not in the slightest.

Yn: You make me the class representative and I'll invest the extra cash.

Darcy: And share it amongst the class?

Yn: No. I'll then create a business, to make even more money.

Yn: Then, once we have enough money, we shall conquer the world!

My Hero Academia: Heroes of Freedomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن