A world class challenge

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3rd Person POV:

Rick headed to the principles office with a stack of papers. Arriving first at the receptionist desk, the room before the principal's office, he was greeted by Sharlet.

Rick: Hey, Sharlet.

Sharlet: Mister Sanctrom.

Rick: Is the principal in?

Sharlet: Yes.

Rick: Can I see him.

Sharlet: If you want, there's nothing I can do to stop you.

Rick: Thanks.

Leaving her to the work dropped on her by Steven, Rick entered the office.

Steven:(eating dino nuggets)...

Rick: Principal, I have a proposition.

Steven:(gulp)... Yeah, sure. Shoot.

Rick: I would like you to enter my class for the world hero sports festival that the U.A Japan school is hosting.

Steven: Oh, sure.

Sharlet:(in the distance) The entrance fee is 10000 dollars per student.

Steven: Whoa!? What!? Nonono! Out of the question.

Rick: The money is for charity.

Steven: It can be for campfires, for all I care!

Steven: You're asking for two hundred thousand dollars!

Rick: The school can afford it.

Steven: At the cost of something big!

Rick: I thought that's why we cut sex ed.

Steven: That budget cut won't be enough.

Steven: Will it?

Sharlet:(in the distance) It would.

Rick: See.

Steven: Still... That's a lot. Is there some kind of prize for winning?

Rick: Fame? It would help secure our number one spot.

Steven: Hmmm... I do like being number one... Still... Why do you want this?

Steven: If I did it for the fame, I'd get the fourth may be the third year to do it.

Steven: Why 1A?

Rick: For their safety.

Steven: Hm?

Rick: My students were attacked by assassins, one was even shot and could have died if not for her quirk.

Rick: And we don't know why.


Rick: I think it would be best to get them out of the country and let them feel safe while also challenging them to become stronger.

Rick: This is exactly what they need.

Steven:... Mmmmmmm... Fine!

Steven: I guess we can add a cost to the faculty Margarita machine to replace the spending money that two hundred thousand dollars would have been.

Sharlet:(in the distance) What!?

She rushes into the office.

Sharlet: Don't you dare make the only sweet thing in my life, bitter!

Steven: Hmm... How about I get you a free pass for the machine?

Sharlet:(sigh of relief)

Steven: But you have to chaperone the class. Help Rick out on the trip.

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