Story 10: The Princess and the Knight

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A very short story:

The knight saves the princess... SIKE!

Written: 08/16/23


Chapter 1: The Princess and the Knight

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, a princess was kidnapped by a ferocious fire-breathing dragon.

The king summoned a knight, the bravest and the most powerful knight, to save the beautiful princess.

And so the knight, in order to fulfill his duty, set off on a dangerous journey riddled with countless trials and tribulations.

One day, while passing the Forest of Vanor, the knight met an enigmatic maiden.

This maiden was tall and strong, capable of defeating 20 men with ease.

The knight was enamored by the charm of this mysterious maiden but he remembered that he must succeed in his quest.

So sadly, the knight must bypass the maiden and continue on his journey.

However, the maiden noticed him and asked, "Why are you here, Sir Knight?"

The knight told the maiden his story and the maiden's interest was piqued.

She decided to join the knight on his thrilling adventures and the knight happily agreed.

Finally, after weeks of traveling, the two have arrived in front of the dragon's lair.

The knight prepared his sword and the maiden twisted her scythe, both ready for a hard-gritting battle.

However, they were destined to be disappointed.

When the knight and the maiden entered the deepest part of the dungeon, they were shocked at the sight they see.

The dragon, in his human form, was flirting with the princess and what's more, the princess was flirting back!

While in shock, the dragon and the princess settled them down and told them their story.

The princess was to be engaged to an asshole yet handsome and wealthy nobleman by her father, the king.

The princess refused to tolerate such a man and asked her boyfriend, the dragon who she was having a secret love affair with, to kidnap her and ran away from home.

Understanding their situation, the knight and the maiden reassured the couple that they would keep their location a secret.

To prove their words, the maiden asked for the princess's earrings to present as proof to the king.

The earrings are a symbol of royal status bestowed to the members of the royal family. Removing this is equivalent to evoking your rights and privilege of being a royalty.

The princess happily took off her earrings and gently gave them to the tall maiden.

The knight and the maiden bid their farewell and set off yet again on another journey to report their 'findings' to the king.

When they arrived, the king quickly summoned them and asked, "Where is the princess?"

The knight explained, "We have killed the dragon but the princess was eaten before we arrived."

The maiden presented the princess's bloody earrings stained with boar's blood.

Furious, the king banished the knight and the maiden.

They would never be able to set foot in the borders of this kingdom ever again.

The knight, who was stripped of his honor and his home, shrugged and happily went outside with the maiden.

They lived their happily ever after while occasionally going on double dates with the princess and the dragon.

The End.


Author's Notes:

Did this in school! All the way from writing to editing. Just copy-pasted it here.


Hope ya like it <3.

Written: 08/16/23

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