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I put my hand in a slight strand of light, which was coming in through the cranny, where the curtains weren't covering the window. As I did, the hand started burning and the skin was peeling off. I could feel the pain. That kind of pain when you burn your hand on a stove. Maybe even worse. It was like if you were being burned alive.
I pulled my hand out of the sunlight quickly. The best time I had managed to hold my hand there was ten seconds. I was trying to entertain myself and not to go downstairs into a basement to Damon or for blood, which I cared more for in the moment.

I was bored and hungry. Trying to hold my hand in a sunlight as long as I could wasn't fun anymore. I didn't know what to do. Though what I knew for sure was that I didn't want to feed. I didn't want blood. I couldn't even see it. What I wasn't sure of was, if I should go talk to Damon. I didn't have another choice probably. The loneliness was making me think about James and that was making me cry. And I was already sick of crying. I didn't want to think about James' boyfriend and the house they had wanted to move to. I didn't want to think about the life they could have had. I had ruined it. I had ruined everything.
      And I was still angry with Damon, because I was convinced it was his fault. Yes, despite the fact that he was dying, I blamed him. But then, with who else I was about to spend the eternity? I had just him and Stefan. My sister and brother were going to die eventually. Well I still had Caroline. I didn't need Damon, right? God! What was I trying to achieve in here? I did need him!

I headed down into the basement to him. I looked at him in through the grids. It was a terrible sight. He looked on the edge of his strengths. And he was.

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Jen," he growled. I opened the basement and went inside. I sat down opposite to him and leaned against the wall.

"I thought you wouldn't come," he attempted to smile.

"Actually, I didn't want to," I admitted. "But I was bored." I didn't let him see the concern I had about him.

"Why didn't you tell me about the night we met on the Wickery bridge?"

"I just didn't think it was important. Or you think it would make a difference in the way you looked at me. The way you saw me as?" I looked away. He was right. It wouldn't have changed anything.

3rd person

"Brought me to see a girl movie," Jeremy complained to Elena. His sister thought it could help them somehow.

"We had to get out of the house, Jere," Elena stated. They needed some distraction. She and Jeremy were both worried about Georgie. Their sister was a vampire now. It was something that shouldn't have happened. Like if Jenna's death wasn't enough.
      Stefan had told them Georgie was gonna make it. But it was hard not to think about her.

"This is our three hours of distraction in reality."

"Is that what we're doing? Pretending like our sister isn't a vampire and our lives aren't screwed?"

"We need to do this, okay?" Elena looked at Jeremy sadly and handed him the other side of the blanket so that they could spread it on the ground. "Breathe, eat, sleep, wake up and do it all over again until one day it's just not as hard anymore." As they adjusted the blanket on the grass, Elena kneeled down on it.

"Hey," Caroline came to them and greeted them cheerfully with two baskets in her hands. "There you guys are. Who's hungry?" She placed the baskets down on the blanket.

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