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"This is all part of the historical society's continuing efforts to give back to the community. Thanks to the generous donation of the Fell family, we are now standing on the side of our newest public park. Thank you to everyone who has shown up today to lend a helping hand. Thanks," Carol Lockwood thanked to all volunteers that were there and smiled at everyone as an applause echoed through the crowd of people. Me and Caroline were headed to the gazebo.

"So suddenly she's on a running for a mother of the year. Just when I'm trying to avoid her the most. I'm babbling. You don't wanna hear all this," Caroline confided to me.

"Well, she's your mother and she sees that you've changed. How are you doing anyway?" I asked her cautiously and with soft movements of my hand up and down started painting the old, cracked varnish of the gazebo. It was Mystic Falls historical society volunteer day, so we were there to help. I wasn't complaining, I loved to do something for our town. I adored my home.

"I'm fine, if you mean the vampire thing. But I noticed Stefan and Elena aren't on good terms lately. You know what happened between them?"

"Well, Stefan doesn't want to talk to Elena, because he thinks Katherine would get "jealous" and hurt her," I replied. Actually, it wasn't true. They were just playing it. Because Katherine was so bend on tearing them apart. And since Caroline was reporting everything about them to Katherine, I had to play the game with them.
      Katherine was blackmailing Caroline in some sort. I didn't blame Care for listening to her and doing everything she asked for. Care was afraid of her. After all, Katherine had killed her.
      Caroline smiled at me sadly. I returned to painting the gazebo.

"Why is Damon staring at you like that?"

"What?" I picked up my head and looked in the same direction as Caroline was looking. Damon was standing by the stand where kids were selling lemonade. When he noticed I saw him, he waved at me with his usual smirk on his face.

"Did he just –"Caroline turned to look at me with a clear confusion and then back at him.

"Yes, he did," I replied without taking my eyes of off him. "Just ignore him," I got back to the work.

"You know, I think you're making a good decision," Caroline stated. I turned my head to her, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, he's a vampire and this thing between you two... I don't think it would work even if you wanted it to work. I mean, he will be forever young and hot and sexy and you will get old and get wrinkled and you know." I just nodded in agreement because I didn't know what else to say. It seemed like Elena and Stefan weren't the only ones, who should Caroline be spying on.
After a while I got thirsty. I put the brush into a paint can, got up and dusted my jeans from dirt, which was on the ground in the gazebo. We should have probably swept there first. I looked over to the stand with lemonade and again saw Damon there. This time with Stefan. I had hoped Damon wouldn't be there by the time I got thirsty. I sighed, "Care, I'm gonna get some lemonade. I'll be right back." I headed there, but Caroline ran to me and stopped me from walking. "I will get it for you, just wait here," she insisted. I gave her a suspicious look. She just confirmed my thoughts about her spying on me and Damon either.

I smiled at her, "That's okay, Care. I can handle it." On the way I actually thought that I should have let Care get me the lemonade, but then pushed it out of my mind. I didn't have to talk to Damon. I would just take the lemonade and get back to Caroline.

3rd person

Damon hoped to fix things between him and Georgie. He knew he had been acting like a dick lately and that he had screwed up. Not just by killing Jeremy and then calling her Katherine.
He had been trying to act like he didn't care, but he did. He really didn't know what he would have done, if Jeremy hadn't been wearing the ring and had died. He would probably never forgive himself and he wouldn't be able to live with it.
When he spotted Georgie, he couldn't stop looking at her. She was so beautiful. Not just the way she looked. Not because she looked like Katherine. She was beautiful because of her heart. She thought she was just a replacement for Katherine to him. Nevertheless, that wasn't true. He loved the way she was different from Katherine.

Georgie came to the stand just a few steps away from Damon and Stefan, where two little girls were selling lemonade. She just greeted Stefan and totally ignored Damon. He had expected it to happen. Though, he still thought she looked amazing in her red checkered chemise and those black jeans. Her hair were styled on the top of her head into a messy bun.

3rd person

"Hey," I greeted Stefan and tried to ignore Damon who stood next to him.

I asked the girls for two lemonades. I thought Care might want one too.

"Would you like some lemonade?" the girl looked somewhere behind me. I turned my head to the person who just came to my side.

"Thank you, sweetie," Damon took the lemonade from her and dedicated her a smile. I rolled my eyes at him, but he didn't seem to be burdened by it. He calmly sipped from the crucible, but immediately spit the content out.
      I quickly moved on backwards away from him to prevent the lemonade in ending on my clothes. I wanted to react to it, but left my reaction to myself when I realized something wasn't right. Damon was in pain. He reached his hand to his neck as he was coughing hoarsely.

"What's wrong with you?" Stefan asked him and helped him to sit up on a bench nearby.
      I walked over to them, put those two lemonades, which I was still holding in my hands, on the table and kneeled in front of Damon. I placed my hands on his thighs for stability.

"Vervain," Damon tried his best to give out some sort of tone. I looked up at Stefan, who looked as shocked as me.
      I used Damon's thighs to push up on my feet, "I'll bring you some water." I ran off to get him a bottle of water. Why would be vervain in lemonade? I thought, but then realized what I was doing. I was just about to get water for Damon. No, this wasn't the time for doubting my feelings again. Even though I really hated how my feelings were like on a rollercoaster when it came to him.

Damon took a sip from the bottle and thanked me.

"I'm gonna kill him," he stated and was determined to kill whoever it was.

"No, no, no. Listen! Sit! Sit! Sit!" Stefan sat him on the bench forcefully. Damon was full of rage.

"I'm not listening anymore of your "give peace a chance" crap. He's dead," he attempted to get up.

"Okay, I don't like it, he's making threats. He could expose us. We need to put him down," Stefan admitted. I could see that what Stefan said surprised him.

"All right, let's do it," Damon looked behind Stefan, breathing heavily. "Woods. Trash duty, come on. " I turned around to the woods and saw Mason. He wanted to kill Mason, Tyler's uncle.

"Wait, are you really going to do this? Like are you going to kill him? Are you even sure it was him?" I asked them freaked out.

Damon placed his hands on my shoulders, "Don't worry. We'll be fine." He stared into my eyes and before I could come to myself, they headed to the woods after Mason.

I knew something bad was about to happen so I followed them into the woods without them knowing it.


Author's note: Please leave a vote or a comment to let me know what you think about this chapter🙏

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