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"No! I can't! I'm done!" Bonnie got up, ripped the necklace from her neck and threw it on the ground. Well, it didn't work, because suddenly the lights went down and we panicked. Bonnie yelled at us to get the light. I quickly turned the light on and felt better after that until Bonnie looked down, to where she had thrown her necklace. Me, Elena and Caroline looked there too. It was gone. I was freaked out. This was crazy and scary as hell.
      We had been looking for it a while, but couldn't find it, so Elena pointed at Caroline. El was lecturing Care, when I noticed some shadow in the hall. "Have you seen it?" I asked.

"Seen what?" Caroline wondered. I looked at her and then went to the door. I thought it could have been Jeremy, but obviously not, because when I called him, he didn't answer.

"Guys?" Bonnie addressed us and entered the bathroom. She found the necklace there. But as soon as Elena wanted to enter the bathroom too, the door closed.

"OMG! Bonnie! Bonnie!"

Bonnie was screaming for help. She wanted us to open the door, but we couldn't. Elena went to try the door in the hallway and me and Caroline were still trying to open the main door. "Bonnie, Bonnie, open the door!" Caroline yelled at her, but Bonnie just kept screaming like if somebody was hurting her.
      Elena returned soon. She hadn't been successful in opening the door in the hallway either. It was so scary.
      I looked up frantically as the lights started flashing. I thought they were gonna crack any second. Neither of us knew what to do. Bonnie screamed even more. I covered my ears desperately and suddenly the screaming stopped. At that moment the lights stopped flashing as well. The room was filled with deathly hush.

The door opened and we saw Bonnie standing there and covering her eyes.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Elena asked her worried. Bonnie uncovered her eyes, looked at us and just said she was fine. Caroline blew out that Bonnie had been faking all of it. I didn't blame her. It was easier than to believe that it all had really happened. Plus, we all were stressed out.
Bonnie suddenly just decided to leave like nothing had happened. Caroline was on her way out too, still convinced Bonnie had faked it. Me and El followed them.

"Thank you for helping me. I'll take it from here," Bonnie said and continued down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I asked her confused.

"Back to where it all began," she answered.

We addressed her like three times, but she didn't react. Then Elena addressed Emily instead of Bonnie and just then she stopped in her tracks. "I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed," she walked out of the door. Me and Elena ran down the stairs to the door, but we couldn't open it. Caroline ran to us and tried to help us, but it was useless. We didn't open it until Jeremy came in. We screamed. Jeremy exhaled annoyingly, "What the hell!"

"I'm out of here," Caroline breathed out and ran to the dark night, home.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Elena, still freaked out.

"I will call Stefan," she said and called him immediately.

When we got to the place, Bonnie was in the middle of some fire circle, so we couldn't get to her. That fire went soon down luckily and when it did, Damon rushed to her and bit her into her neck.

"Bonnie!!!" me and Elena ran to her after Damon had let go of her. Stefan gave her some of his blood to save her and it worked. Her neck was fine soon enough.

"I don't understand, girls. What happened to me? He attacked me and his face was like..." Bonnie said with tears in her eyes. She was in shock.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?" Elena asked her.

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