Chapter Thirty Three

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Ariel looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. "I'm the woman who blindly made a deal with my aunt to get legs in order to stay in your world. I think the only shocking thing about what I said is the fact that I haven't already gone off and made my way to the Isle to talk to Uncle Hades."

"Ariel, really think about this," Eric said. "Yes we didn't technically set up the Isle, that was handled by a committee, but it was done in our name. Meaning the Isle isn't going to be the safest place for you. If...if anything happened to you..."

"I know," Ariel said softly. "But I have to go Eric. If there was any other way, I'd be on board and you know it. But I can't just think about my own safety here, I have to think about Elle. She's only one Eric and this weather...if she wasn't Poseidon's great-granddaughter I'd be terrified for whether or not she could withstand this wintery spring."

"I'm guessing there's another reason you want to go?" Eric asked.

Ariel sighed. "Eric, this weather isn't just impacting the mainland of Auradon but the Isle as well. Yes I know, we've been getting reports that it's not as bad as what we're getting but they're still getting the weather. And there're children on the Isle as young as Elle—children who are my family. I can't just sit by and leave them to suffer. Not if I can prevent it."

"...Do you want me to come with you?" Eric asked.

Ariel smiled and gently kissed his cheek. "I love you for asking but no. Someone has to stay here with Elle...and biologically, I'm the best person to go."


"Eric, I'm the granddaughter of Poseidon. Everyone knows how he's the only brother Uncle Hades even talks to anymore. Plus one person can be more discrete than two. I can take one of our older cars, or even one of the carriages."

"Take the car," Eric said with a small sigh. "I have a feeling it'd stick out less than a horse drawn carriage would."

"I have a feeling you have a point," Ariel nodded and gently kissed Eric on the cheek once more. "I'll be back soon enough. I promise. I just...I need to talk to my uncle and if Aunt Persephone isn't seeing anyone but her mother and sister, then Uncle Hades is my only option in terms of getting information."

"Why not your Great-Uncle Zeus?"

Ariel raised an eyebrow as she looked at her husband. "Really? You're really asking that?"

"I realized the foolishness as soon as I opened my mouth," Eric told her. "Well...we should bring in the council, arrange for security for you—."

"Eric, there's no time," Ariel told him. "I need to go now and any security will only draw attention to the fact that I'm there. Like I said, one person can be more discreet than two and certainly more discreet than however many people you have planned for my security. If I could out swim a shark when I was sixteen, I can handle myself on the Isle."

"I know you can handle yourself, but that doesn't mean I like the idea of you being hurt."

Ariel smiled softly and leaned into her husband's touch as his hand gently cupped her cheek. "I promise, I'll be alright. Uncle Hades might be a bit...prickly but he wouldn't let any harm come to family."


"Okay let me rephrase, he wouldn't let any harm come to family he likes," Ariel said. "Which is why you're not going to call Hercules and tell him about this."

"He'd want to help you Ariel."

"And leave Meg alone with two young children while he goes galavanting?"

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