7 | Silver Moon

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- 1 years later –

𝐀 𝐧 𝐧 𝐚 𝐛 𝐞 𝐭 𝐡

Currently 20 years old

The phone on the table has been ringing for the pass five minutes, Annabeth's eyes doesn't move a bit, despite the noise. She knew who is calling and as much as it annoys her, she didn't pick up. However, she set up her mind, if the person calls her one more time, she is going to block him.

Sensing her mood, the sound died down. Annabeth get up from her desk, which is scattered with pens and designs she is working on. After dragging herself to the kitchen and pour a glass of water, gulped it down her throat; she checked her message and missed calls, 20 times, seriously why does the man don't know what the word give up means? Just as Annabeth scolded at the caller in her head, Thalia decided to text her.

U free tmrw night??

What's wrong?

Wanna u meet Jas and Perce.

Sure, when and where?

The club, 10.

Thalia, I'm under age.

And u know i'm the boss;)

I'll text you when I'm free.
Got to go.

Bye stay safe <3

Letting out a long sigh, she put down her phone and look around her dorm. From the pile of dirty dishes needed to be cleaned, to the unwashed clothes, back to her desk. Chaos indeed. Major in architecture, life in university is never easy. Tons of works and essays, plus spending time with her friends, not that she has many. To say the lifestyle is draining her isn't an overstate, that is part of the reason she said yes to Thalia's invitation. Another part is she finally get to see her sister in a long period.

They first met on street when they were small. Annabeth ran out after her father telling her that he and mother are going to divorce. She went to a ice-cream shop and saw Thalia asking the people in the street stand if they need worker. Being a known-it-all since little, she piped up and tell the older girl it's against the law to hire people under a certain age, it's easier to get money if you go on the streets and beg or steal. The girl laughed at her remarkable words and asked her why she is on the streets, not attending school.

Annabeth's braveness seems to work its way to Thalia's heart in a short period of time. They got apart soon because Zeus' network found his daughter, the business man also sent his man to take her home. Turns out, her mother, Athena, is a close employe of his, shocker.

They keep in touch all these years, and about half year ago, Thalia told her she opened a bar called 'Silver moon' in the city. She is not surprise at all, opening a bar or a club sound like something Thalia will do, and the reason of her doing that isn't hard to guess either. Annabeth assume the girl doesn't want to take her dad's money anymore, but she didn't guess the bigger picture behind it.

Thalia mentioned she wants to introduce her to Jason and Perce, this is the first time her heard of the second person, and Annabeth thinks Perce is just a nickname. Jason is someone she known of but never met, they went to the same college actually, but in some twisted way, their path never crossed. From various conversation with Thalia, Annabeth can see the love the sister held for her dear brother, say that she would give up her life for him if opportunity given. There are rumors around the campus, some said that he is a player, others said he is some bastard child from a rich family; funny that is second one is partly true.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now