1 | The plan

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- 15 years ago -

𝐙 𝐨 𝐞̈

She was 10 when she realized her father was a part of some strange organization. At first, she thought it was a cult, giving money to some big guys and stuff; but soon she found out something more. He kidnaps and hurts people, which kind of people she didn't know; but there's no doubt that the man she so called father is the devil himself to his victims. Screams, beggars and the sound of gun firing can be heard most of the time her father, Atlas, came home after 9. There is always a big black bag being dragged out of the house next morning by a concern servant, a huge person, she would say.

She tried to ask her mother about father's job, but the answer never change: "It's none of your concern as long as we have money to spent." Zoë knew their family is rich, her friends at school always flatter her like she is some royal highness, even though she doesn't like it, at all. She stopped bothering her mother because there is little Cal, who is 1 year old, need to look after. Figured she couldn't ask out anything, she decided to seek answers by herself.

She began to listen; listen to every little detail her father and his colleagues are talking about. Companies they have trading with, who are their enemies and who are their allies.

After eavesdropping for a mouth or so, she was caught by her mother.

"Zo? Why aren't you in bed at this time?" The sound of her mother questioning her came from behind, she jumped a little and the piece of paper along with paper dropped to the floor. Her mother bending her knees and picked them up.

"I..." She didn't know what to say, telling her mom she was kind of spying on her husband is weird and she might get mad. Just as she was thinking how could she reply and brush off, the door of the office they were standing in front of opened. The person behind to door is no other man than her father, Atlas.

"Girls? What are you doing here? It's almost midnight right now. And honey, shouldn't you be watching Calypso?" Atlas asked in surprise, then scolded at his wife for not watching over their little daughter. Zoë is slightly unpleased at the tone Atlas is speak to her mother. Though the man called his wife 'honey', the way he spit out the words with annoyed let people feels he doesn't think that way.

"Oh, Zoë just had a little sleep walking problem, there's nothing to worry about." Unexpected, her mom chose to hide the fact she just listened to what her father is talking about in his office. Her parents exchange hugs before her mother tugged her hand and bring her out of the scene.

"How long have you been listening?" Mom asked her after she tugged her in bed.

"About a month?" Zoë answered in a volume so little she thought her mom didn't catch what she said. When she opened mouth to repeat what she said, her mother spoke first.

"Zoë, now listen to my words carefully." She nodded to show her that her attention is fully on her. "I won't tell you to stop, because I know you won't listen. But don't get caught. Do you hear me? I might not be able to help you next time." Her mother held her hands so tight she thought the blood circulation was cut off. She held it like it's her lifeline, and that's the first time she knew something was off.

"I promise."

"Zoë! Zoë!" Her little sister Calypso ran towards her, calling out for help.

Now she is 18 years old, as her dear sister is 9. She still keeps the routine of spying on her father's work. But as her age grow, it's more difficult to seek around, plus, she is about to go to college.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now