Part 10

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»I'm so lucky I found a job where I wouldn't have to travel far. The location is great«
One appointment later and Changbin wouldn't stop talking about his amazing news.
Well, at least he tried to limit his excitement outbursts until after the workout session.
Now, during coffee break, he used the opportunity to info dump as much about his new job as he could.
He would only start working there next month but he already made sure to learn a lot about the company.

»The law firm is even kinda close to the gym. I think it's about 5 minutes on the metro«
He directly smiled at Chan now, who used the opportunity to joke around.
»I'll personally come by then and drag you out of there, if you're ever late for an appointment«
Changbin laughed loudly.
»Oh please do«

His genuine happiness was so heart-warming. But his expression slightly changed a second later.
»Oh by the way I wanted to ask you something«
Changbin was still smiling but his voice got a little more quiet.
»Sure, what's up?«
Chan tried to be normal but he was overly curious about what would await him.
»The thing is, I wanted to celebrate these great news and also fittingly, my birthday is coming up next week. So I wanted to throw a party and I was wondering if you'd come«
Changbin sounded a little hesitant in the last part almost as if he was nervous to ask. Chan was surprised to see him this shy.
»Of course, sure. I'll come by if I have time«
He tried his best to sound enthusiastic and reassuring so Changbin wouldn't have to feel uneasy anymore.
»Oh really? That's amazing«
His bright smile quickly came back.

»It will be a huge party! I need to celebrate big before my time will be consumed by work, you know?«
Changbin seemed so cheerful when Chan agreed to come. His voice got louder again.
»And all my friends will be there. I'm sure you'll be happy to meet them! I told some of them about you«
Chan's heart skipped a beat.
He felt honored Changbin valued their friendship enough to tell other people about him.
»Of course«
He smiled so sweetly, Chan couldn't help but get a little shy himself now. He felt like he was blushing all over but Changbin didn't seem to notice, he just kept on rambling.

»I'll invite my old friends from school and the guys I used to play soccer with... Oh and-«
He suddenly paused for a second and leaned strangely close to Chan.
»Should I tell you a little secret?«
He started to whisper and Chan was a bit scared of what he would reveal next. Every conversation was a little surprising with Changbin.

»There's this guy named Hyunjin who's gonna be there. I've known him for a while now and I kind of have a crush on him«
Changbin just announced his secret as if it was no big deal.
»Oh really?«
Chan was not sure what to say but it seemed fine, Changbin just giggled. Maybe it really wasn't that big of a deal to him. He was pretty open about most things.

Still, it was a huge surprise to Chan. He couldn't help but question it again.
»Wait so that crush is... a man?«
Changbin smiled, he didn't seem offended.
»Well yeah, I only date men. Isn't it obvious?«
He laughed and Chan wasn't really sure which part of that was supposed to be funny.
»I guess I just never really thought about that«
Chan was definitely not trying to be rude, he just genuinely never questioned his friend's sexuality.
»It's fine, I know it can be surprising. And it's true, we have never really talked about this kind of stuff«
Changbin still seemed completely okay about it. Meanwhile, Chan was not too sure if he felt fine. He never had anything against homosexuality and he always tried his best to be supportive but he still felt so strange. He couldn't explain his uneasy feeling but he tried his best to hide it.

»I hope I didn't shock you too much. I just talk about my personal stuff way too openly.
You probably don't even care«
Changbin laughed at himself but Chan tried to reassure him.
»No it's totally fine! I like hearing about you«
He still felt weirdly uncomfortable but he absolutely didn't want to loose their bond over this. He was sure the awkward feeling would just go away after some time.

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