Part 8

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Everything was back to normal a few days later. Chan pretended these strange thoughts never came up and Changbin didn't seem any different so he surely didn't even notice.

Today Chan accompanied his friend to the café again. He was happy their little coffee breaks had become a regular thing.
Also, he was eager to talk to Changbin.
Today the client was the one who seemed to be in a good mood during training.
Changbin was always cheerful but today his joy was just a tiny bit more prominent.
Chan was determined to find out what his sudden happiness was all about.

»So what's the matter with you today?
You seem optimistic«
Chan chose to ask right away, after they got their drinks. He didn't want to disrupt training earlier so he waited with personal questions and conversations until break time.
»Is it really noticeable?«
Changbin seemed to get a bit shy.
Well maybe his previous excitement wasn't even that noticeable but Chan still saw it.
»I'm not sure, but I guess that means I assumed correctly«
Changbin nodded and then smiled.

»It's just that I finally decided to make some big decisions«
Chan looked up with a curious expression before the man went on.
»I know, I said I didn't like it but I decided to apply for a small job as an assistant lawyer«
»Oh really?«
Chan was surprised. It really did sound like an unexpected decision.

»To be honest I still want to pull through with my musical passion. But I want to make some money in the meantime as well. I took some time to pick out a job that would pay enough but would also allow some free time to work on lyrics and techniques. I think I found something promising and I really hope I get accepted«
Changbin just kept on rambling. He liked talking about himself and Chan liked to listen.

»As my trainer, what do you think? Did I make the right choice?«
Changbin suddenly started to question Chan. He got a bit nervous. It was usually so easy for him to just come up with the right thing to say but with Changbin's strong presence, he preferred listening over speaking so now he wasn't prepared to say anything.
»Well, I think it sounds like a great opportunity. You would probably benefit from getting some more routine in your life«
Chan saw excitement lighting up in Changbin's eyes. The approval seemed to matter to him.
»I thought so too!! I'm glad you agree«
He smiled brightly before breaking eye contact and sipping from his chocolate frappuccino.
He looked really cute when he was excited.

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