Part 43

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Chan woke up the next morning still in Changbin's arms to the sound of his phone alarm ringing. He set it a bit early so the two of them could take their time.
»Wake up, Binnie«
Changbin peacefully slept through the noise as always so Chan tried to wake him by gently petting his face.
Changbin squeezed his eyes shut and groaned before turning around to go back to sleep. He cuddled against the blanket, his bare back exposed and his thighs showing underneath his shorts. His skin was warmed by the sun lights peaking in. It was a beautiful sight, Chan couldn't bring himself to disrupt him.

Instead, Chan got up and decided to look for some food. By now, he knew where most things were in the kitchen from watching Changbin so he was able to cook something up pretty easily. As he started preparing the meal on plates, Changbin peaked around the corner, rubbing his eyes.
»You're the sweetest«
He yawned after speaking.
Chan smiled at him and then set up their food on the table.

Changbin gladly sat down and started eating so Chan did the same.
The other still seemed tired so the room was pretty quiet. Chan used the chance to get some good looks at him. He liked seeing how Changbin ate so well.
He smiled to himself as he noticed once again how attractive the man he had sitting in front of him was.
Chan could feel his cheeks turning red as he imagined what other people would say if they knew he was able to be with someone this beautiful.
Maybe telling some friends about their relationship wasn't that bad of an idea.

When they were done eating, Changbin seemed more energized. He got up to put their plates away and he wiped the table after.
Chan had snuck back into the bedroom to get the clothes he had left there. He was getting changed as Changbin came in behind him.
Chan barely got done putting his shirt on before the other tackled him onto the bed.
»Don't leave yet«
Chan kind of liked how clingy Changbin had gotten lately.
»Oh Bunny but I have to«
He sat up and cupped the man's face in his hands. Skinship started to come more naturally to him and it felt more and more lovely. Changbin closed his eyes and leaned against Chan's hands.

»Please let me cuddle with you just a bit more. You're so warm«
Changbin's hands couldn't be stopped as they traveled all around Chan's waist to hug him tightly. Chan could barely move but he managed to grab his phone to check the clock.
»You're lucky, Binnie. I still have some time left«
Changbin giggled as he squeezed his arms tightly around Chan once more. Chan could barely breathe but he enjoyed feeling this loved.

Changbin let go shortly after so Chan could catch his breath again. Chan leaned against the wall behind them and Changbin let himself fall onto his lap.
»You can probably tell by now but I want to make it clear«
Changbin spoke up after making himself comfortable on Chan's thighs.
»I mean it's obvious but you know I have the biggest crush on you right?«
Chan couldn't stop himself from laughing even when he did start to get a bit shaky.

Everything had felt a bit blurry before, Chan had just been living in thoughts and daydreams. He had just been going with the flow, coming along wherever Changbin or the desires of his own heart would lead him to.
But it was definitely definitely real now.
It felt overwhelming but relieving to hear Changbin say the obvious out loud.

»Is that okay with you?«
Changbin asked as if it was really necessary to question it now. As if there were no boundaries crossed and no unspoken bonds formed yet.
Chan felt like he was going crazy.
»I'm so in love with you Binnie, you have no idea«
It felt so strange to talk like this.
It was finally all real now.
As if them kissing and touching and everything before hadn't proved enough...

»Then make me your boyfriend already, pleaseee«
Changbin suddenly whined as he tightened his grip on Chan's skin.
Chan couldn't believe how lucky he was to get asked something like this by the man of his dreams.
»With pleasure«
He answered with a hint of nervousness but also love and lust and joy and shock in his voice.
He held Changbin close and calmed down as he saw him smile.

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