Part 20

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Chan typed in the code to his apartment while Changbin followed closely behind him.
»The code is my dog's birthday. She lives back home with my parents«
»Aww that's really cute«

It had already gotten dark outside when they entered Chan's home.
»Sorry, I haven't cleaned in a while«
»Looks fine to me«
Changbin smiled.
»Just make yourself at home. You can sit down for a bit while I prepare some dinner«
»But hyung, you just came home from work too. You even work longer than me, shouldn't you be the one resting?«
Chan got flustered.
Changbin usually only called him "mate" or "bro" but somehow "hyung" felt a tiny bit more friendly; more intimate.

Chan tried to convince himself it really wasn't a huge difference.
»Just let me do something nice for you, for once, alright?«
Changbin finally smiled along.
»Alright fine. Then I won't complain any longer, for now«

Chan started to get some ingredients together when Changbin spoke up again.
»Actually, would it be okay if I took a shower?«
»Yeah sure, no problem. The bathroom is right down this way, the first door to the right«
Chan gestured the directions before going back to cooking.

It didn't take long until he was interrupted again. While he was trying to peacefully cook, he suddenly heard Changbin yelling from the bathroom.
»Could I borrow some comfy clothes to change into?«
»Sure, hold up for a second«
Chan was glad to be able to give Changbin some comfort. He felt like a nice relaxing evening would cheer him up from the stressful workday he had been having.

Chan grabbed some shorts and an oversized shirt and brought them to the bathroom. He knocked and waited for a bit before slightly opening the door while covering his eyes.

»Don't worry, nothing you haven't seen yet«
Chan could feel his face turn all shades of red at the other's remark.
He hesitated but carefully peaked inside to see Changbin with wet hair and only a towel wrapped around his waist. Chan knew the man was right, he had seen his body before, but this definitely felt different.
He only took a quick glance and already felt overwhelmed.
Quickly, he handed over the clothes and made his way out again to go back to cooking.

Chan was done preparing a meal exactly on time when Changbin came back out.
Chan felt flustered again.
Seeing the other dressed in his own clothes was somehow kind of cute.

They sat down together to eat and Changbin kept thanking him for the food.
»This is so delicious, really!!«
»Oh come on, anyone can make spaghetti«
»I don't know, maybe it's even better just because you made it for me«
He winked and Chan couldn't stop himself from laughing. The man really was cuter today.

By the time they were done eating, it had gotten rather late. They cleaned up together when Chan had a suggestion.
»You can stay here if you want to. We can go to the gym together in the morning«
»Really? Are you sure that's okay for you?«
»Yeah sure, if you don't mind taking the couch«
Changbin looked like he wanted to protest but he changed his mind before speaking.
»Seems comfy enough, I'll take it«
He already started lying down while speaking. Chan couldn't help but smile. He was happy the other felt this comfortable around him.

»Do you need anything else?«
»Nah, I'm good«
Changbin stretched himself over the whole couch.
»Sleep well then. I'll wake you up harshly
tomorrow though, no matter how sleepy you are«
»Alright alright, you sleep well too«
He seemed so tired already.
Chan left him alone and headed for his bedroom.

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