Part 26

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Chan felt tired when the movie ended, but as promised, he still made some food.
Changbin helped him cook so it was more fun than usual. They enjoyed their self-made meal together and overall had a great time.
Everything just went so smoothly with Changbin; Chan felt as if the time had gone by quicker today. He was shocked when he checked the clock and it was almost midnight.

»Isn't it about time for you to go home?«
Changbin only groaned as a reply.
They were sitting on the couch together again. The TV was playing some random drama show they weren't paying attention to.
»Aren't you tired?«
»Yeah, I am«
Changbin stretched his arms and then, out of the blue, let himself fall back into Chan's lap.
Chan was too tired to freak out as the man made himself comfortable on top of him.
Without thinking much he put his hand through the other's hair. It was soft but a bit messy.
»Are you too tired to go home?«
He sounded so cute. It was unfitting to his usual loud and strong aura.
»You can stay over again, if you want«
Changbin hummed happily.
He was so adorable.

»Well, I guess it's time to go to bed then«
Chan was going to leave the couch to Changbin again but it seemed like the man had other ideas.
Without saying anything Changbin tightened his grip around Chan's upper thighs.
Still no reply.
Chan couldn't get up like this so he tried to lift the other a bit. It was difficult but of course, Chan could trust his own strength.
Changbin groaned as he was pulled away. 
He looked upset. He didn't really seem like himself but Chan blamed it on his sleepiness.
»What's up?«
»I don't want the couch«
»The leather is uncomfortable to sleep on«
It looked like the lack of sleep made the other a bit cranky. But Chan also understood his point.
»I guess you're right«
He hesitated for a second before saying what had secretly been on his mind all along.
»So... do you want to share my bed?«
»Yeah, sure«

Changbin strolled closely behind Chan as they got to the bedroom. He seemed a little more sunny again.
Changbin let himself fall onto the bed immediately and Chan, still a bit hesitant, laid down beside him.
»Is this alright for you?«
»Sure, why not?«
Chan couldn't think of a reply. He got tired again as he felt the warm bedsheets pulling him in.
»Sleep well then, hyung«
Changbin was whispering.
»You too«
The mood did feel a little tense at first but Chan was able to get used to sharing his bed after a while. He didn't even fully understand where his concerns and nervousness came from.
He had shared a bed with other friends or even strangers before so this wasn't that big of a deal.
Maybe the nervousness came from secretly wanting something to happen.

Chan realized how much he was craving some touch when he layed awake staring at Changbin. They were so close, he could just reach out to brush over his skin.
The thought alone felt so wrong.
»Are you asleep already?«
He quietly spoke up to interrupt his own thoughts.
So he wasn't.

Chan couldn't help but think of all the current possibilities. So much could happen when they were this close.
Well, there didn't even need to happen much, just laying here across Changbin was enough to make Chan shiver in nervousness.
»Hyung, are you cold?«
»I think so«
The room was so quiet, especially compared to Chan's rushing thoughts.
»Do you want me to warm you up?«
Chan felt so overwhelmed, yet so cared for.
With that, Changbin came a little closer and gently wrapped one of his arms around Chan's waist. It felt so safe.

Chan wasn't really feeling cold to begin with but he enjoyed the warmth when he felt Changbin even closer.
»Is this better?«
Chan felt so secure. It was so sweet of Changbin to care for him like this.
»Do you think you'll be able to sleep now?«
»Yeah, I think so«

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