Part 11

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One, two, zero, three.
Chan let himself fall onto the couch.
Finally some peace and quiet but today's conversations still resonated in his mind.
The silence of his empty apartment made his rushing thoughts feel even louder.
Unfortunately, the awkward feeling didn't just go away. In fact, it was even more prominent now.

It was hard to describe it. Chan somehow felt angry at something but he couldn't figure out at what... or why.
He felt so guilty.
He knew he shouldn't feel weird about this.
He was supposed to be accepting and supporting. He just couldn't explain why he felt this agitated.

He finally got up to take a shower but even stinging cold water couldn't cleanse his mind.
Something just felt so off.

Finally, instead of trying to push away the feeling, Chan rather tried to focus on it to figure out where exactly it came from.
He knew he never felt troubled about anyone's sexuality. Some of his close friends were openly queer and he never felt uncomfortable around them. So of course that couldn't be the source of his troubles.
Maybe something else went wrong today...

Chan tried so badly to sort his thoughts.
He just did not want to feel uneasy around Changbin at all. He worked so hard to build trust between them, he just couldn't lose all of it now. But finding a reasonable solution seemed even more difficult.
He tried to trace back the entire conversation in his mind, back and forth, even some hours prior, and some days before that...
and he slowly started to wonder where all of the overthinking came from.
He had wasted so much time on troubled thoughts. So many hours of nervousness or worry. So many twisted feelings and unfamiliar emotions, all caused by one man.

Changbin had been a priority in his head ever since they first met. Even ever since Chan had first heard the man speak on the phone.
Chan always tried to shine from his best side around him. And he always worried about what way to present himself.
It came naturally after some time but he knew he subconsciously still tried to impress Changbin every day.
The man just seemed so special. Their relationship was special. He was Chan's priority... But today it was revealed Changbin's priority was someone entirely different.

The lingering uncomfortable feeling...
it couldn't be jealously right?

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