Part 36

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Chan let himself fall onto the sheets of Changbin's bed.
It was so comfortable, like water wrapping around his body.
He remembered how he had previously spent a night sleeping here next to Changbin.
Back then it was kind of normal but suddenly it felt like such a big deal.

»Don't fall asleep, you said you'd help me«
Changbin was starting up his computer at the desk. He had asked Chan earlier if he wanted to look over his newest songs.
»Yes of course«
Chan lifted himself up and sat on the edge of the bed.
Changbin turned and glanced at him.
»Do you want me to play something for you«
He smiled sweetly.

Changbin opened a song file named Scene Stealers and started playing it on speaker.
It was a chill but impactful beat with some quiet jazzy trumpets and an impassive cello.

It sounded like wearing a grey suit at a fancy bar, holding a margarita with an olive in it while watching a game of billiards.
Like cigarette smoke and the smell of coins.

On the 5th beat, Changbin started rapping softly and his voice sounded fittingly raspy at certain points. He was so talented.
Chan lost himself in the beautiful sound of his voice and in the thought of him rapping only for Chan.
»He's incredible«
Chan whispered to himself in awe of the man in front of him.
The hair over Changbin's eyes shook as he slightly nodded his head to the beat.
His beauty was unreal.
Chan fell in love with the way the dimmed lights fell onto his face, coating his left side in warm colors and creating a dramatic shadow on his right.
The light pooled on the edge of his nose and dripped down at his jawline.

For the first time, Chan dared to thoroughly stare at him without any fear.
Every gaze was worth it.
Changbin's luscious lips parted so majestically. He was rapping at a pretty high pace but every move felt like slow motion to Chan.
He noticed how the man's sharp eyes were decorated by prominent lower lashes.
And how his eyelids laid relaxed over his eyes shaping them so beautifully.
He looked like a painting. Or a sculpture.
Just... like a piece of art.

Once he was done rapping he looked at Chan expectantly. Chan couldn't stop himself from finally bursting out in excitement.
»This is amazing, really!«
He started going on and on about how highly he thought of the man's rap skills.
Changbin smiled and hit Chan's shoulder.
»Heyy you're exaggerating«
»No I mean it«

Changbin who was always so confident even turned a bit red now but Chan didn't even see.
»Your skills are so outstanding... you just need to-«
Chan couldn't help but let his music-lover self take over. He got up to use the computer and opened the song file in the editor.
»Do you mind if I adjust some things?«
He wasn't aware of what had gotten into him. Changbin looked surprised but just laughed.
»Yeah sure, go ahead!«
Chan already started clicking away, fine-tuning the song in depth.

Together they spent the whole evening editing the song. Chan let Changbin rap the lyrics over and over again and admired him over and over again each time. They recorded his voice and Chan made it fit into the beat.
Changbin was thankful and Chan was so excited to help him with this project.
They finished the song together late at night without noticing how tired they had gotten until it was done.

»You don't want to go home now, right?«
Luckily Changbin always worded his questions to make Chan's replies feel easier.
»I wouldn't mind staying, if that's okay«
»Of course!«
Changbin quickly wrapped himself around Chan, seemingly excited about him sleeping over.
»Thank you for helping me so much with the song. You're really making a dream come true for me«
Chan smiled and hugged the man back. He was so happy to make Changbin happy.

Pretty soon after, they fell asleep together on Changbin's bed.

Gym Bros ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant