Chapter 52: how many other girls?

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Dark oppressive clouds hung in the air. My mood was as low as Jungwon's, who was shuffling along beside me. His hands were buried deep in his pocket and he was grumbling something about heartbreak or something. I listened with only one ear because I still felt like the biggest idiot. I was tired of lying to my brother. His penetrating inquiries were getting on my nerves as hell.

"I really don't understand girls.", he complained. "Why would she dump me all of a sudden?".

The way Jungwon had a short romance with this girl from the sports field still shocked me. me Cupid!? But apparently it didn't match between the two of them. I really feel sorry for him because of that.

But in the other hand, I just had so many thoughts buzzing inside my head and it stressed me to deal with the problems of others. I mean, not even Jungwon knew about the thing between me and Heeseung. Actually, only Kathy knew. And she was sitting on the other side of the world.

I didn't know if and when to tell Jungwon about it. Above all, how long would he really keep quiet?

I stayed at his house for a few more minutes before heading back over to our house and burying myself in my bed. The last time I really had me-time felt like weeks ago. So I pulled down the shades, turned on my nightlight, and snuggled into my bed. Do you still remember the book? Finally, I had the opportunity to continue reading in peace, without anyone bugging me.

Well, for a few minutes anyway. Until my display lit up brightly after 2 pages. Sighing, I put it on the side and reached for my phone.

Hee 💕:

Are you free?

I bit my lip and thought about what to answer.

Hee 💕:

I wanna talk to you about yesterday

Of course. I already knew it inside. So it wasn't just me who couldn't get it out of my head and I would love to hit the delete button on my memories. What am I supposed to answer? Should I just call him and we will talk out whatever's on his mind?


Yeah, I'm free

I kept myself very short and regretted that, however, a few seconds after he had read the message. Just when I wanted to add something, he left the chat his name suddenly switched to offline again.

Dejectedly, I put my phone on the side. I wasn't even up for reading at this point anymore. Was Heeseung about to call me? Or should I call him? I don't know. I stared at the display a couple of minutes but nothing happened.

To distract myself, I finally reached for my book and tried to force myself back into the story. But I only succeeded semi well. Especially because I could hear the loud screams and cheers from Sunghoon's stupid rugby game all the way up here. Didn't that idiot want to show his face in his own apartment again? What else did he have it for?

Anyway, after two more pages I realize how dragging the whole thing moved. Actually, I had no more interest in the book at all. My eyelids were getting heavier by the second. Why couldn't I manage to read like any normal person without falling asleep right away? But of course my head didn't do what I wanted it to do, and I slowly but surely drifted off to sleep once again.

However, only almost...a cautious knock on the door, let me sit up in a daze and I rubbed my eyes. The book slipped off the bed and fell to the floor next to me. While I was picking it up from the floor, a person entered my room.

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