Chatper 7: Hostage Rescue 

Start from the beginning

Mira: Bandit we don't know what bullets or explosives from earth can do to aura?

Y/n: Mira is right Bandit we may have aura to help guard our body's from attacks by Grimm and dust rounds. But we have no idea what rounds from earth can do.

The operators just nodded their heads. Just let one of the SWAT members came up to them.

SWAT Member: Who are you people?

Y/n: I'm Northman, we from Beacon Academy headmaster Ozpin send us.

SWAT Member: Are you team Rainbow that we heard from the police Chief?

Y/n: Yes we are.

SWAT member: Okay follow me to the command center.

The team followed the SWAT member to the command center. When they arrived they saw a pissed off man.

 When they arrived they saw a pissed off man

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???: Were is this team Rainbow at fuck!

SWAT member: Sir the team from Beacon is here.

The man locked at them.

???: About fucking time. are you part of team Rainbow?!

Y/n: Yes I am. you can call me Northman and I'm the team leader.

???: I'm Captain Winters the SWAT commander.

Y/n: What is the situation?

Captain Winters: The situation mayor his wife and two kid are being held hostage. The hostage taker's have the windows boarded up and the doors too.

Y/n: are there any booby traps that you know of?

Captain Winters: One of the doors had explosives on it but we have been mostly shot at from the windows before they boarded them up.

Y/n: It sounds like they are dug in pretty tight. Okay Captain Winters me and my team will rescue the hostages just have your men hold the permitter.

Captain Winters: Okay I have my men hold the permitter.

Y/n nodded his head before regrouping with his team. When he reached the other before he can say a word his scroll started going off. He saw that Ozpin sent a message.

Valkyrie: What is it boss?

Y/n: I received a message from Professor Ozpin.

Mira: What does it say?

Y/n: He wants us to turn on the tactical cameras.

So the team turns on the tactical cameras.

Ruby's POV: