Chapter 29

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Angel woke up and slowly slid out of the bed. She left her room and softly padded down the hallway, noticing that it was still dark outside. Seeing the light under the door that she was looking for, she gently pushed open the door.

"Darling," Owen said instantly looking up from his computer. "What are you doing awake? It's two in the morning, did you have a bad dream?" She walked over to him, internally sighing in relief when he instantly pushed his chair back so she could sit in his lap. "Better?"

"Sorry," she whispered into his neck.

"Never be sorry for needing me or us," he whispered back as he tightened his hold on her. He placed a kiss on her hair, "Do you want to talk about your bad dream?" She shook her head, making her hair tickle his nose. "That's okay, Darling, you don't have to." She pressed into him even more so he scooted them back to his desk and went back to typing on his laptop. Victor's music started playing softly as he typed.

"Doc?" She mumbled against his skin after what seemed like eternity.

"He got called into work about an hour ago," Owen spoke softly. "Mr. Taylor Jr, Mr. Korba, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Toma, and both Mr. Henshaws are out on assignment. Mr. Taylor Sr. is at the bakery working, Mr. Lee is in his office, but Mr. Ravenstahl, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Weiland, and Mr. Morgan are sleeping."

The room was filled with silence again other than Victor's music playing softly in the background and the typing from his keyboard. She melted against him even more as she started to relax, inhaling his Irish Spring scent as it surrounded them.

"Tell me," her lips moved against his skin, making him force himself not to react.

He cleared his throat and saved his work. "You are our first love, Angelica Blackbourne, and you will be our last. You are our goddess, our one true love, and our love will surpass our deaths, we are forever bound in every single lifetime."

A huge sigh of happiness left her mouth, coating his skin in warmth as she began sucking on his neck.

"Darling," he whispered.

She pulled away and smiled at the small hickey she left. "Mine."

"Yes, Darling," Owen smirked as she locked her dark brown eyes with his gray ones. That millimeter smile of his sent warmth through her. "I'm yours, we are yours, in every lifetime and every realm, just as you are ours."

Her eyes lit up as her smile grew. He pushed some hair away from her eyes and her ear as she moved to straddle him instead of sitting sideways in his lap. She picked up his dragon necklace and ran her thumb across it. "You still have it."


"I thought–"

"Never," Owen shook his head. His thumbs rubbed back and forth soothingly on her hips under Sean's purple tee shirt she was wearing. "I told you when you gave it to me that I would cherish it forever and I meant it."

"But you left me," she pouted.

"I know and I'm very sorry that we let our fear cloud our minds, my darling girl," Owen sighed. "We wish we could take it back but we can't change time. All I can say is that we were young, foolish, and we learned our lesson. We will never do that again, in fact if you look right here," he reached past her and clicked on something on the laptop, "Look Darling."

She turned so she could look over her shoulder and gasped, "You added me to your legal papers," she whispered as her eyes scanned over most of the words that she didn't understand but she did see her name listed on their family will and family insurance. "And anytime you have to travel out of state and out of the country it is mandatory that I join?"

"Yes," he nodded, "that way you will never be away from us again and we will never be away from you."

"Owen," she whispered, turned back around so she could wrap her arms around his neck again. "I knew it wasn't real, I knew it."

"What, Darling?" he started trailing his fingers up and down her spine.

"You sent me back to him because you were going overseas on assignment again," she sniffled into the tiny space between them. "You took my jewelry off me and threw it away."

"Oh Darling," he sighed as he pulled her closer to him, "I am so sorry you dreamt that scary dream but I pinky promise that it is not true and it will never ever happen. Do you want to hold my key right now?"

She sniffled and shook her head, "No, just hold me."

"For as long as you want," He murmured into her hair. "Does it help that you saw you are still wearing your pretty jewelry and that our papers have already been approved?" She nodded, making him kiss her hair, "Good, thank you for telling me about your dream and coming to talk to me."

She sniffled as she tightened her grip on him, "I love you, Owen, and I love them."

"And we love you, Angel Blackbourne."

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